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This time as I pulled into the parking lot I saw Dominic's truck already there. So I texted Megan asking her to hurry to school as fast as she could. He was nowhere near his car so I could only imagine that he was waiting by my locker.

I waited in my car until Megan's car pulled in behind mine. She came over and knocked on my window and I shook my head at her as I stepped out. It was Wednesday and I was happy about that. Usually I hate them because I have nothing to do afterwards.

"So you know how your mom canceled today's session? I was thinking that we could go and do something... you know something fun to get your mind off of everything." She said and I just nodded at her. I hadn't know that my mom canceled today but I was grateful for it.

"So what did you have in mind?" I asked sending her a small smile and wrapping my arm around hers as we reached the gate.

"Bowling?" She asked with a worried look. She knew I hated bowling but I knew that her making fun of me would cheer me up. I always laughed at myself as well so it was no big deal.

"Then what?" I asked looking down at my feet.

"Shopping?" She asked sending me hopeful glance and I just rolled my eyes. "Please we can show you off and see how mad it makes him... you know he was really defensive about other guys around you. We might as well make sure other guys think you're available." She was begging and since she had been such a great friend I had to just nod and go along with it.

"Let's go to your locker first." I said seeing as she was leading me to mine.

"Why?" She sounded shocked as I pulled her back.

"His car is out in the parking lot and he might have learned the truth last night. I bailed on him trying to apologize at the studio. His sister told him." I said shaking my head wondering if that stuff made any sense to her.

"So let's skip over him altogether today?" She asked looking at my face as we made it to her locker.

"Yep, in fact I don't think I need to go to my locker this morning." I said lifting my heavy backpack and shrugging. If it meant leaving Dominic standing there then so be it.

"Here put your book in my locker, I know it's heavy." Megan said shifting some things around and letting me put my stuff in there with hers.

"Thank you and you know what's weird?" I asked seeing a kid glancing at me.

"What?" Megan asked as the kid started making his way to me.

"There's this sophomore coming up to us right now." I whispered and looked away and into her eyes.

"A 10th grader. How brave." She sent me a wink and shut her locker and turned just as the kid was walking up.

"So, Jesy, now that you're single do you think we could catch a movie sometimes?" He sounded so nervous and I felt bad for turning him down.

"I would love to but you see I don't think I am ready yet." I lied and he just nodded sadly.

"Here, for when you are ready." He handed me a piece of paper and I watched as he walked away and had to keep in my laugh.

I pretended to put it in my pocket but really I slipped it into someone else's locker.

"That was so sad. No offense to them but you just got out of a relationship..." Megan said shaking her head and sighing.

"It's not that I am not ready, I would love nothing more than to get over Dominic by going out with someone but I just don't think a sophomore can do anything to take my mind off of him." I was shaking my head and she smirked.

"You know, you could always just get with one of my brothers old friends, they are all really nice." She said with a wink and I just groaned.

"Please tell you don't already have a crush on one of them." I said looking over at her.

"Jesy? Hi, I don't know if you know me, my name is George." I was stopped suddenly by a kid I had never seen before and I jumped away from him.

"Not interested." Megan shouted in his face and pulled me away attracting the attention of the few people in this hallway. "Oh my good do you think a lot of guys are just going to come up to you now?" She asked me as we broke away into the bathroom.

"I hope not." I said leaning against the counter and shaking my head. That was two guys already today.

"Let's just get you to class... you don't sit by any guys do you?" She asked with a small smirk and I knew she was about to enjoy this.

"In last period I do." I said thinking about it some more.

"That is going to be fun." She chuckled and I just glared at her.

"Can we just get me to my class without letting a guy stop us again? He appeared out of nowhere and he made me jump." I said pouting and she nodded a worried expression on her face.

"You don't think Dominic would hurt anyone who would ask you out in front of him do you?" She made me worried now. Why did she even have to bring that up?

"I don't know and I don't care. I will not let him hurt someone just because they asked me out. It's his fault that I am available anyways." I said nodding at her wondering how I would protect a kid form getting his face pounded in.

"Maybe those kids would be smart enough not to even try in front of him." She said hopefully and I just nodded along with that statement.

We walked out and quickly to Mrs. Jenkins room and Megan walked in with me and waited until the first bell before telling me bye.

I went through the classes, Mrs. Jenkins being the worst because I felt Dominic's eyes on me the whole time. It was hard to concentrate but I did and to prove I wasn't affected I made sure to ask a few questions to prove I was paying attention.

It was the end of the day, 12:45, and I was walking to Megan's locker and just as I rounded the corner and seeing her and Dominic arguing I felt a hand come and touch my ass. I gasped loudly and turned pushing away the guy who had done it.

Only to come face to face with Logan. "Hey baby." He said and as I turned to walk away shaking my head he pulled me back hard and crashed his lips onto mine. I pushed at his chest but his arms had already locked around my waist and held me to him. So I reached up and pulled on his ear making his head turn sideways and his lips detatch from mine.

"How dare you!" I shouted still struggling in his hold. He was still holding me so close that I couldn't kick him in the nuts and I was pushing at his chest. But just as he was about to kiss me again he was ripped from me making me stumble back and I saw Dominic on him. He was hitting him so hard I already heard the cracks of his nose and jaw.

I shook my head and let Dominic beat his ass. If he got in trouble I would tell the principal he saw Logan sexually assaulting me. He would be let off and be considered a hero.

I walked away as a crowd formed and found Megan. "We have to go." I said and started pulling on her arm as she stared at the show Dominic was giving the other students.

"Are you sure you shouldn't stop him?" She asked worried and I just shook my head. "I am going to go into the office and tell them what happened so he won't get in trouble. I know you aren't liking him at the moment but the way he was hurting Logan he could press charges and I would rather have him let go for saving you than go away from hurting him." She said shaking her head and I just nodded at her.

"I am going to go. I'll meet you at the bowling alley." I told her before running towards my car.

I got in and just rushed away. As I passed the front office I saw Dominic being hauled in as he tried to get back at Logan and Logan was being helped in by two other seniors.

Dominic didn't see me and I gulped and shook my head. I really didn't want to talk to him even if it was to thank him. I was just too hurt. Or too full of my own pride.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now