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“You’ll see.” He smiled and I just let out a light sigh and started eating my food. “So, what do you do for fun outside of dancing?” He asked and I just swallowed my food before even thinking of an answer.

“I don’t know, I read and listen to music.” I told him honestly thinking my life was really boring. “What do you do?” I asked knowing I had to keep the conversation going if I wanted to remain friendly with him.

“Write lyrics, play soundless cords on my guitar, and help around the house as much as I can.” He said and I could tell he was being sincere. I could see it in his face. His features weren’t hard, nor playful either.

“The song you sang earlier… what was it called?” I asked making him look up at me and then around seeing if anyone would hear.

“Thinking out loud.” He said going right back into eating after the words slipped out of his mouth.

“Don’t let it go to your head, but you sing well, and have amazing lyrics.” I said knowing I was blushing as I looked down avoiding his gaze.

“Well I guess a compliment deserves another compliment in return.” He sighed and sat up straighter.

“No, no compliments.” I said and he just smirked and soon it turned into a thoughtful face.

“I have never had a better teacher than you. I taught myself guitar and the school teachers are shit… you make sure I get what you are trying to teach me.” He made it sound like I was teaching him trigonometry.

“Dom, you know I am only teaching you dance right?” I asked laughing making him smile as he looked down.

“You didn’t know me before. I had two left feet. If you had needed me before giving Maddie some dance lessons then you would have had a lot more to work with.” He laughed a bit and I was impressed.

“You danced with your little sister?” I asked and he just bit his lip. “It’s okay if you do… I wish I had a younger sibling sometimes so I would do more than teach little kids who have no real attachment to me.” I let more slip out than I should and I immediately regretted saying it and just avoid his gaze for the rest of lunch.

He hadn’t commented and I just waited for him to say something. I didn’t want to start another conversation and just spaz out again.

“Come on.” He said and the tone of his voice was pleasant so I looked up and saw him holding out his arm for me.

I stood and took our stuff to the trash and then met up with him and he offered my his arm to hold on to yet again so I took it as he started navigating through the streets of SF once again.

“Where are we going?” I asked when he was going into the BART station.

“We are going to Berkeley.” He said like it was the thing to do and he just kept on walking with me still holding onto him.

“Why are we going there?” I asked knowing I have never been there, let alone walked around there.

“You’ll see. Gosh is this what you are like on a first date? Always asking questions?” He sounded playful but the words got to me. I have never really been on a first date… not alone anyways.

I mean I had double and triple dates but they were one time things and yeah I have kissed boys but I wouldn’t even say I had a boyfriend. I haven’t and if I had I wouldn’t be a virgin… yeah I know that sounds really easy but I wouldn’t just give myself to my first boyfriend but I guarantee that if I had the courage to let him in my life I wouldn’t hold back.

“Earth to Jesy.” I snapped out of my little trance when Dominic tapped my nose lightly.

“What?” I asked shyly and looked away from him.

“I asked if you had quarters.” He said and then guided my to the machine that gave out the BART tickets.

I walked over and he put in solid dollar bills as I added quarters.

Soon we both had passes and I watched as he went through taking small notes and soon I did it like he did and just put it in my back pocket.

Soon we were on a platform and I had no idea where to go. I just stood with Dominic and when a train came up I started walking towards it but Dominic just held back shaking his head.

“Don’t they all go to the same place?” I sounded stupid, I know I did because he just smiled and shook his head.

“We are going to Berkeley not Oakland.” He reminded me as I heard the train say something about Oakland.

“What are we going to do in Berkeley?” I asked and he just bit his lip keeping himself from laughing.

“You will see when we get there, as for right now, ask about any other questions and I promise to answer them.” He said and I just bit my lip thinking of questions I could ask him.

“Okay… why are you scared of preforming?” I watched his reaction. It turned from happy to a bit sad and for some reason I just wanted to run away. I didn’t want to ruin today, but that question was the only one that came to mind.

“I’m scared that I will get laughed at, that I won’t be good enough, that as soon as I get up there no one is ever going to take me seriously. That no one would give me chance because I sound too much like the other pop stars and famous singers now.” He said and shrugged making me laugh a bit.

“Come on, you can’t seriously think like that! I mean with that song you sang to me earlier it was like no other singer I have heard of and I would buy your songs… I know that is awkward but I would. You have an amazing voice and heartfelt lyrics.” I encouraged but he seemed to soak it up a bit.

“It’s not awkward.” He said and I heard screeching when I was about to ask what he meant. “This is us. Are you ready for an adventure?” He asked walking towards the still slowing down train and waiting for the doors to slide open.

“Okay.” I whispered and stepped on with him. There were no seats so we ended up standing. I hope I don’t fall.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now