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I woke up the next morning and got ready for school, my new alarm clock had done its job perfectly. A little too perfectly. My mom was up and complaining about how loud it was but she also thanked me because now she could get into the studio and work off some of the weight she thinks she had picked up. Apparently this guy she's seeing is a tremendous cooks but uses a lot of butter and fattening foods.

I checked my phone as I got into my car sending a quick text to Dom asking if he was awake. I started my car and played my music and I knew that I didn't get a text from him or my sound system would have told me so.

I pulled into the parking lot passing Dom as I got in. He must have just woken up and dressed in a hurry. I passed him quickly and pulled into a closer spot.

I had just gotten out when he passed, so I ran up and put my arms around his shoulders to stop him and turn him but once he did he pushed me away.

"How dare you?!" He sneered making my eyebrows come together.

"How dare I what?" I asked trying to keep my voice down. If he was mad at something I think it best not to have a huge audience.

"You know what." He said shaking his head turning to leave again but this time seeing his back to me made me angry so I ran around him stopping him in attempt to flea.

"No I don't know what, so why don't you just tell me." I said glaring at him now as he refused to look me in the eye. I crossed my arms and made sure he knew he wasn't getting away unless he tells me.

"You cut Maddie out!" He shouted before taking a step forwards towards me. He was fuming and just when I was about to ask what the hell he meant by that he cut me off. "And don't deny it. She kept repeating the same thing 'They'll be fine without me' when I calmed her down and asked her who told her that she said you. What kind of person are you? She's only 8! You took away all her confidence. And here you are. Little miss I didn't do anything. Maybe you are like your mom: Too competitive for you own good. Maybe that's why your dad left!" I stopped listening to him after that. I couldn't believe him.

He brought my fucking dad into this. Now I was beyond trying to explain things to him. He could learn the truth or hate me forever; I could care less. Say goodbye to the dance competition... and my way to Julliard.

"And now you have nothing to say!" He shouted bringing me back as he laughed looking up to the sky.

"Fuck you and don't ever talk to me again. How about that? Oh and I hope you know that you just ruined my future." I said hoping that he did find out and that the truth of that last statement weighed heavily on his conscience for the rest of his life.

"Of course this was all about your future." He scoffed and I just shook my head turning around and walking as fast as I could to my locker.

I opened it and the first thing that catches my eye is the picture of the two of us dancing. I snatched it off the inside and started ripping it up even more. I let the pieces blow from my hands and I reached up taking the tape that had started the ripping off and rubbing it in my hands before letting it too fall to the floor.

I looked around and saw the wood. I shifted my papers around and just when I was done clearing it I picked it up and threw it to the ground cracking it a bit before kicking it away.

I took a deep breath and put my hands over my face feeling wetness. I couldn't tell if it was from breaking up with Dominic that had me crying or the words he had said, and at this point I didn't care.

I was wiping my face again when I felt a hand touch my shoulder and turn me. I saw Megan's face and when she saw mine she gasped. "What's wrong... what happened?" She asked pulling me into a hug as I tried to take a deep breath to calm down.

After a few minutes we parted and I heard the bell go off. "I will tell you everything if you skip today with me." I promised and she looked around before nodding.


"That asshole! He didn't even give you a chance to explain?" She shouted and I saw how angry she was by how tightly her fists were clamped by her sides.

I had told her everything starting with yesterday with Maddie's confession. I just nodded at her as I picked up my spoon that was now covered in whipped cream, ice cream and chocolate sauce.

"I give up too... without that money I can't afford Julliard. I have no future." I muttered and she seemed to relax a bit into my bed as she looked at me. No tears came out though, I just felt a pang in my heat. It lessoned with each bite of sugary goodness coming from my bowl on my lap.

"How about we just watch a move to get our minds off of it?" Megan suggested and I just nodded. "Hercules?" She asked seeing it on the screen.

I shook my head and she moved on. I nodded at Monster's Inc. though.

We watched movies that didn't have a father figure, no romance, and no dance. And that left out a lot.

No Finding Nemo, Step Up, Taken one or two, Transformers, and NO THOR.

The last one really I really wanted to watch be we settled for The Avengers and Captain America 2.

I had fallen asleep after Megan and we both woke up around two. When we woke up she told me we had to go back to school to get my car. I had started crying so bad that I couldn't drive earlier so we left it there.

She was going to meet me back at my house and we would talk before she had to get to dance class.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now