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I woke up with a start hearing my mom in the kitchen. I looked around but saw no sign of Dom. I was still dressed in the clothes I wore yesterday and I just sat up seeing how dark it was outside. I couldn't tell if it was very early in the morning or really late at night. I felt around for my phone and felt it tucked under the pillow I was cuddling with. I knew for a fact Dom had been under my head when I fell asleep.

I opened it seeing 3 messages and opening the first one sent. It was from Megan.

We're done with Dom's truck. Come and get it. Hope you guys had fun. Tell him I am sorry about intruding.

I rolled my eyes and realized the other text was from her and scrolled down.

Haven't heard back so Adam headed on over to your place. See you tomorrow at school.

I looked at the time thinking back to the whole still dark outside thing and seeing it was 4 in the morning. I groaned and got up waondering what my mother was doing up so early or if she was just getting in.

"Mom?" I asked pulling my hair into a bun as I walked out and looked around for her. She was in the kitchen, her back to me and she was chugging some water. "Are you okay?" I asked seeing as how she was in her night gown she didn't just get in.

"I'm not feeling too hot baby... I think the studio will be closed for today." She said turning to me and I saw how she looked pale.

"You should go see your doctor later mom." I said moving closer and feeling her clammy forehead.

"I will, go back to sleep, I am." She said and pushed me slightly towards my room and started coughing. "And stay clear of me, it won't do us any good if you get sick." She ordered before I closed my door.

I crawled back in bed bringing my phone up to my face seeing Dom's number as an unread text. I opened it and tried to focus on it while I yawned.

Adam came by and I woke up. You seemed so tired I didn't want to wake you for a good bye. Your mom still wasn't home. Sweet dreams sweetheart and I will see you at school.

I wanted to text back but stopped myself. I did however realize I need to charge my phone. I moved things around and found my charger.

I noticed one of the things I had to move out of the way was the picture Helena had taken of Dom and I on Saturday and smiled as I brought it closer.

I was going to put this and the wood thing in my locker just so I don't lose it or ruin it.

I laid back on my bed and just let sleep take over my body. However it seemed as I closed my eyes my mom was shouting that it was time for me to get up and then coughing up a storm on the other side of my door.

I got up and dressed in leggings and a short sleeve shirt before throwing on the letterman jacket that had my mom's dance logo on it. I put the wood and the picture safely in my backpack before unplugging my phone and walking out sticking it in my jacket pocket.

I walked out leaving my dance bag in my room remembering how my mom said the studio would be closed today.

I would have to call all the parents and tell all the high school students.

"Hey mom." I said seeing her face hovering over some tea.

"Hey, do you mind calling the parents-"

"Already planned on it mom. Just relax and get some rest. If you aren't better by tomorrow I will take over the classes." I told her rubbing her shoulder and leaning in to kiss her cheek but she moved away coughing again.

I sighed and shook my head backing away.

"Go to the doctor today." I shouted grabbing my keys from the bowl and heading out already.

I texted Megan to tell her about my mom and then Dom to make sure he was also on his way to school or at least up and awake.

I got texts from both of them right after the other, Dom being first.

Already on my way to school sweets. Meet you at your locker.

I texted him an okay before switching to Megan who just gave a slight sad face emoji and I smiled knowing that I would be suckered into doing something with her. She needed a distraction. Plus I knew Dom was working right after school and that gave me time with my friends.

I started driving and when I pulled up to a stop sign I swear I some someone turning past me who looked familiar, but he sort of shifted in his seat and before I could get a really good look he was out of sight and I just shook it off.

I got to school and just as Dom said he was waiting at my locker talking with a few guys that I knew he hung out with before he started dating me.

"Hey sweets." He said and pecked my lips and said a quick goodbye to the guys, Jamie and Leon.

"You don't have to push away your friends when I come around." I teased and opened my locker pulling my back pack around and started picking up loose papers and pulling out the wood carving and smiling at him.

"I don't push them away... besides they have their own girlfriends to look for." He said shrugging it off and seeing the picture he plucked it out and smiled. "Locker décor?" he asked taking a piece of tape from the mini tape dispenser and putting it up crooked and right at my eye length.

"Why not eh?" I asked smirking as I continued to unload my back pack.

"What are you doing after school since there is no class to teach?" He asked as I shut my locker and turned to face him.

"I don't know, probably help Megan move in a bit more, or distract her from her life at the moment. She isn't keen on showing too many emotions." I said and he just nodded in agreement. "You have work until when?" I asked tilting my head at him and pressing my lips together.

"Today? Until 6." He told me after thinking about it and just nodded. "You know we have new seats today in Chem right?" He asked taking me in under his arm and pulling me towards class as the bell rang.

"Yeah and I can bet that Mrs. Jenkins is not going to sit us next to each other again." I pouted and leaned my head on his shoulder as people moved out of our way.

Looking at everyone I almost forgot that Dom was the bad boy of the school. In fact since I started dating and talking to him more I have noticed he hasn't fought anyone, not that Logan isn't asking for it.

I just shook off all the terrified freshmen moving out of our way so they won't anger him. We got to class and just as I said we were sitting on opposite sides of the class room.

I was in front away from the door and he was in back close to the lab tables and on the side with the door.

This was going to be a fun couple of weeks.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now