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“He was around when I was trying to talk with Jesy and I sort of glared and told him to leave, but that was before I snatched the outfits out of his hands and made him leave.” Dominic said shrugging like it wasn’t a huge thing. But soon after I saw him flinch and he had good reason since my mom reached over and slapped his head.

“That is so rude Dom!” My mom scolded and I just bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. “And you didn’t stop him.” She said turning to me making me look up in shock.

“What was I supposed to do? Run in front of poor little Richie and embarrass him?” I asked and she just looked between the both of us and shook her head.

“I will have no more of the threatening glares or mean glances, do you hear?” She asked looking at Dominic and I just watched as he seemed to nod quickly. “Now, you two may eat.” She said and let her hand fall onto the table from where it had been perched on the pizza box keeping it closed.

“Meanie.” I said sticking my tongue out at her after grabbing two pieces.

“I will cut it off.” She threated and I just popped it back in my mouth.

Soon we were telling her about our day. And apparently she thinks the funniest thing is when Dominic told her about me falling on the ice and what he said. She couldn’t stop laughing for a few minutes after that little tidbit. Then I said something about him ditching me wasn’t so funny and she got serious but then Dominic also took over that story and then I watched as he avoided the talk about the guy harassing me at BART.

When we were done talking about the stories I asked my mom what had happened to her today and she said she had ‘met-up’ someone and I knew that was a lie because she took a while looking for the right words. I think she is seeing someone we both know, and have known for a long time.

“So, Ms. Lucas who did you meet up with?” Dominic asked raising an eyebrow.

“That is for me to know and you two to find out in a little while, maybe Saturday.” She said looking over at me and took my hand.

That’s sort of when it hit me. Who will I lose this time I am preforming? I looked down and pulled my hand from my mom getting up and getting more strawberry Fanta and hearing my mom and Dominic talk. I knew he was asking if I was alright or my mom was trying to pry and see if he had anything going on with me.

Dominic was good looking… yes. But he seemed more closed off and like he said before having a girlfriend is too complicated.

I also wouldn’t want someone around now because if I fall hard for them and then get hurt with them leaving because I am preforming I wouldn’t ever want to preform again.

Maybe I already lost the person… Piper.

I continued looking down as Dominic and my mom talked on and on about the different themes each dance might be.

You see the first dance competition is freestyle, just to show what you are made of. The next one can be 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or movie themed from any of those times. I am scared. I don’t know many 60’s movies and I would need to learn how to move like them if it was the theme.

I would be under more pressure the next time I preform. Great… who would I lose that time?

I looked over at my mom and seeing her smiling and laughing at Dominic’s stories and just bit my lip coming to a conclusion.

I wouldn’t lose anyone. Absolutely no one! Not ever again.

I would make sure of it.

Soon I watched my mom yawn and I knew tonight was going to be cut short. She needed her sleep. “Time to go home mama.” I said and she just turned to glare and then nodded at me when I raised my eyebrow at her.

“Goodnight Dom.” She said as we walked out of the arcade and she patted his cheek before walking away.

“So tomorrow?” He announced when I started walking off.

I turned to ask him what he was talking about, but fell short when I saw him looking around and scratching the back of his neck. “Practice?” I asked to make sure. He looked nervous.

“Yeah, what time do you want to meet?” He asked looking over at me now.

“Well, how does 10:30 sound?” I asked knowing we couldn’t start too late in the day and that I still wanted to sleep in some.

“Am I going to have to come over to make sure you are up?” He asked teasing of course.

“No, usually I wake up around 10 and then go back to bed, tomorrow I would probably do the same.” I excused myself and he just smiled looking down at the ground.

“I had fun today.” He spit out and I just smiled back at him.

“I did too, but there is one thing I have to tell you Dominic.” I said walking closer to him. I had remembered something that I wanted to tease him with.

“What?” He asked looking serious now.

“Don’t make it a habit of coming over.” I said and he seemed to think over where he had heard that before and I just took that chance to walk away and get into my car.

“Very funny.” He said as I backed up and he was getting into his own truck.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now