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I drove all the way to the board walk and parked in my usual place. I saw Dominic’s car behind me the whole way and I groaned when he pulled into the space next to me as I got out.

I kept walking into the arcade and just ordered a large pepperoni pizza and two fountain drinks. I paid and shuffled over to the sodas. I got my mom a coke and then a strawberry Fanta for myself.

“So, who is meeting you here?” I heard Dominic ask as he walked up and got some coke.

“Why do you care?” I asked making sure to add a little coldness to my voice.

“Because I can’t wait to make it awkward if it is a boy.” He sounded smug but I just rolled my eyes. When did I have time to date?

I just let the conversation drop as I turned and went to an empty table, but making sure that it only sat two people. I then stuck my straw into my soda and just made the weird noise.

“So, who is it?” Dominic asked sitting across from me. Should have seen that coming.

I turned away and then realized I had a good ten dollars in my pocket so I could play arcade games.

I left the sodas there and walked over to the token machine and slipped the 5 dollar bill in first and then waited for all the tokens to come out. I had twenty and knew what ones I wanted to do because it was a one player game and I knew Dominic would be over my shoulder each time telling me what to do and how to do it.

I walked over to the car machines and put in a full 4 tokens and chose my car and heard a tsking noise behind me. “What?” I asked already annoyed of his presence.

“You shouldn’t have chosen that car with that track.” Dominic said and then sat in the seat next me and put his own tokens in.

I didn’t look over at him as I got to 1st place and when I was done I got up and made my way to the motorcycle ride and hopped on like I did when I was little.

“1st huh?” He asked following suit on the other motorcycle and for the first time in a long time I wished there weren’t pairs of each game.

“Yeah, I know how to handle a car.” I said getting ready to race and was back to ignoring him as he started to race as well.

I got second this time because I was bumped from behind by a little kid and it threw me off.

“Oooh second.” I heard Dominic from beside me and I groaned turning to him.

“Why are you messing with me? Why are you following me?” I asked getting off the motorcycle and crossing my arms waiting for him to get off as well.

“Well you see, I did something to upset you and we both know we can’t dance when we are mad at each other and if we aren’t dancing correctly Maddie won’t get a chance next round and we both know you need to win this as well. I am just trying to make things better.” He said crossing his own arms and looking down at me.

Of course this all related back to Maddie. We would both do anything to make that little girl happy.

“Listen, how about we do this… we play air hockey, I win you forget whatever I did to offend you and if you win,” He paused and then bit his lip thinking.

“If I win you sing me one of your songs!” I said knowing I loved his lyrics and I wanted to hear more.

“I don’t know about that one.” He said looking down.

Good this is a little embarrassing him. “Well that is the deal.” I said and turned to walk away seeing the guy putting my pizza on the table I had been sitting in.

“You are so- ugh!” I heard Dominic behind me before grabbing onto my arm and pulling me towards the air hockey table. “We have a deal.” He said and then put in all the money.

I smiled a bit knowing the only person who beat me was Logan. He only won because he was cheating. And even then Piper didn’t take my side. She just called me a sore loser and she wasn’t even dating him then!

I got the puck first though. I watched as Dominic’s eyes were trained on the puck as I began to hit it to him.

I knew the trick to this game though. The more the other person tries to make a goal the more force on the puck and the more, on average, the puck gets hit into the offenders goal.

But apparently he knew that too. Neither one of us was hitting it too hard and after 20 minutes of neither one of us making a goal I heard his sigh and take the puck off the table.

“Obviously we aren’t getting anywhere with this.” He groaned and then the air hockey machine just shut off like one of had won.

“Nope… how about we just do the deals. I accept the apology and will forget about it if you sing me one of your songs.” I said with a small smile. Hoping he would do it. I might not like him right now but his voice was so great and his lyrics were good.

“Fine.” He said and had a smug smile.

“Go ahead.” I said and bit my lip from smiling too big.

“Girl you could be my

Once in a life time

If you open up your heart

Show me who you are

Show me who you are!

Show me

Show me

Show me who you are!” He did it and to be honest I was waiting for more when he just looked anywhere but you. “Can you stop staring at me I know it’s not finished?” He said and just snapped out of it.

“It was still good for a start that is.” I said and turned to go back to the table I had been sitting.

I sat down and to my surprise Dominic pulled up a seat and left one open for my mom.

“So, who are you meeting here?” He asked taking a sip of his soda.

“My mom.” I said smiling as he started laughing.


Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now