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"So are you seriously buying me lunch or were you just saying that to get out of there?" I asked when I walked behind Dominic towards the car again.

"I know a place we can eat," He said and I just tried to remember the amount of money in my wallet, "and I am willing to buy you lunch." He added and I just looked up in surprise as he looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"Thanks, now where are you going?" I asked stopping at the car while he kept walking.

"Come on. You can walk a bit dancing is the only form of exercise you can have." He said holding out his hand and for some odd reason I walked faster to him and held onto his arm as we started facing more and more people walking around with kids and dogs alike.

"This way." He said as I started straying from him to walk with the crowd. I laughed a bit walking with him and this time staying somewhat behind him as he led the way.

"Where are we going?" I asked when I noticed we were going towards the water.

"Pier 39." He said and I knew exactly what we were going to get.

"Clam chowder and bread bowls?" I asked with a little giddiness in my voice and looking up at him.

"Yeah, so you had it before?" He asked with a small smile as I shied away yet again.

"A couple of times." I answered and he seemed to beam.

"With who? I know your mom is allergic." He added when I was hoping he wouldn't ask.

"My dad." I said and before I knew it we were both quiet, and he seemed to walk slower like I was in pain at the memory. "Come on Dominic I am hungry." I whined and pulled on his arm a bit so we were moving faster.

It was weird. I never touched Dominic before, besides dance lessons, but I feel like I could lean my head on his shoulder and be in the most comfortable position. I shook off the thought and let his arm go when we approached the pier.

I started to move behind him and looking though my bag for my wallet and when I finally took it out it was snatched out of my hands and I gasped looking up right into Dominic's smirk.

"I told you I was paying for your food." He said and then slipped my wallet in his inside pocket of his jacket.

"I can pay for it; you seriously don't have to Dominic." I told him and bit my lip, not wanting to upset him but not wanting to subject him into buying me food.

"I thought I told you to call me Dom?" He said looking around like I hadn't just said something.

"Fine... Dom, would you be so kind as to give me back my wallet?" I asked and he just seemed amused.

"No." He said and then the line moved so it was time for us to order. "Two bread bowls please." He said and pulled out his own wallet. I saw him take out a twenty and then hand it to the girl eyeing him like candy.

I smiled a bit when he didn't leave a tip, I don't know why. She seemed to deflate as he turned and smirked at me.

"Let's go sit down as we wait." He said and guided me to a nearby table.

I sat down and he sat down on the bench near me.

"So, you don't have a boyfriend?" He asked suddenly and I just started laughing.

"No Dominic I don't have one. If you didn't hear Barnie earlier he stressed how badly I needed one." I said rolling my eyes.

"I know you didn't want to tell me before, but can you tell me why you don't like preforming now?" He asked and my once playful mood turned somber and I just looked down at my hands. "I'm sorry, I'm just curious what else could hold a person back." He was apologetic, something I only thought he would be towards his family.

"It's just really personal. My first dance residual was when I was 7 and when it was all over we got a call that my grandfather, the one I was closest to just past away from a stroke." I said amazed at myself that I hadn't teared up yet.

"I'm sorry." He muttered looking away.

"The next time I danced my aunt was in a car accident and didn't wake up for 6 months." I added and knew that the next one would make me tear up. "I was 10 when that happened and when I was 12, I was in this school wide dance and I had a solo. My mom and dad were there and the next morning we realized my dad skipped town. Just up and left. No note, no explanation and the only thing he left behind was some flowers with my name on it and I could only assume they were for my dance the night before."  I laid everything out. I didn't want to hide anything; I just wanted to get it out there and realized how it wasn't so scary.

"Jesy. I had no idea and I'm sorry." Dominic whispered and before I could say anything back we heard our order being called and I hopped up getting both of them and a couple napkins before spoons.

"Here you go since you bought you take the first bite."  I said and watched as he gave me an amused look yet again.

I watched as he took his bite and went into take mine when I was hit with a sudden feeling. It was like I was being watched. I looked up and realized it wasn't Dominic since he was watching as he tore off a piece of the sourdough bread careful not to get it to split open.

I looked around quickly but didn't see anything and when I looked behind me the feeling faded.

I just shook it off and decided to eat no matter how I felt. This is SF people stare a lot!

"Do you know how to ice skate?" Dominic asked all of a sudden as I took a big bite.

I looked up at him in wonder and nodded slightly and he just smiled. God that smile again had me smiling back, but my cheeks were full so I dribbled and made him laugh.

I don't think I ever heard that particular laugh before either. It made me blush and hide my face as I wiped it up.

After we were both done and just started ripping at our bread bowls again a thought occurred.

"Why did you ask about Ice skating?" I asked only got a small smile as a reply.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now