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English was boring as always and when I got out of the class I saw Dominic right outside in the hall looking right at me.

Some kid was pushed into him, and he didn’t even do anything but right the guy and start his way towards me. Guess he noticed he didn’t mean to bump into him.

“What was that?” He asked cornering me when I moved out of the doorway.

“What was what?” I asked not wanting to go to that topic.

“What was that you meant earlier before you ditched me? That whole, are you sure it wasn’t because they have already had you thing.” He asked boring holes into my eyes as I didn’t look him in the eyes.

“You had a rep Dom, don’t act like you are pristine. Everyone knows how you show up to a party and take advantage of the drunkest girl there.” I said and started glaring right back at him.

“I don’t go to parties.” He said and I knew that was a lie, I went to one, one that Piper had dragged me to and I saw him whisking Jenna Dupree out of there.

“How are you going to lie to my face? I saw you at a party… and you took home Jenna Dupree.” I said and by this time people were slowing down and trying to listen in on our conversation.

“Jenna is my next door neighbor and called begging me to take her home… I didn’t sleep with her, and I wasn’t even at that party the whole time. I went in, got her, and left.” He said and I knew he was mad at me for jumping to conclusions.

“Then why do other people always say you scored when they gossip about you?” I asked and he seemed to be confused.

“Scored what? A night with a girl?” He asked and I just gave him one of those ‘what else?’ type of looks. “Most girls at this school are scared of me, and the others are too slutty for my taste. I wouldn’t want one of them. I might sound creepy but I have had my eye on you since you first scampered away from me. Do you think it was an accident Maddie ended up in your dancing class?” He asked and I just looked up at him in shock.

“Why were you always so angry at me when you dropped her off then?” I asked not even caring that he was basically my stalker for a year and a half.

“Because you always seemed to be so scared you never told me anything about Maddie and how well she was doing in your class. I was irritated that after I showed you that I was the best big brother, the softy, you were still scared of me.” He said and I just looked down. “Come on, these people are irritating me.” He said suddenly and pulling my hand gently taking me down the hallways until we were at the gym entrance where no one would be until next period.

“Megan is going to be so mad at me.” I whispered to myself not caring in the least bit since Dominic had sat down and brought me into his lap.

“We are dealing with some fake gossip, she will understand… that’s a good excuse to be with your boyfriend right?” He seemed so confused and really hopeful that I would say yes that I just nodded and laughed a bit.

“Okay, go back to you being my whole stalker thing.” I said turning to face him.

“I didn’t stalk you, I tried over and over again to make you less scared and I just so happened to have a little sister that wanted to be in a dancing class.” He shrugged it off and I just nodded with narrowed eyes. “Moving on, I was irritated with you because you believed I was still a bad guy after you saw me interacting with Maddie every day that I dropped her off and picked her up.” He explained and I just thought about how I felt when Maddie invited me over. He could have just loved his family.

“So you are a family guy… I just thought you were a good big brother and didn’t give two shits about me. Then there was that whole cold shoulder, you’re in my seat type of personality when I went to your house the first time.” I said and he seemed to bite his lip for a minute coming up with an excuse.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now