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“Of course, here I am and he isn’t even here.” I muttered pulling up to the studio… on time, and Dominic Braxton wasn’t anywhere, and neither was his truck or any other vehicle.

I groan sitting back in my seat and just parked before someone else tried to pull in. Today was also Piper and Logan’s day. Joy to me. I heard that from my mom earlier and now she is telling me to cut it short before they get into a fight.

I have to tell Dominic the rules, to make sure he doesn’t fight with Logan no matter what. Not even if he was asking for it. Not even if he starts something like a shoulder bump. No hitting Logan!

I pulled out my phone and saw a couple minutes has passed and he still wasn’t here. Might as well wait inside.

I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder and got out of my car before walking to the entrance. I like that I got the closest parking spot and just wouldn’t you know it when I got to the door I heard Piper laughing loudly and heard tires rolling up behind me.

“Oh look its Jesy! Hi Jesy!” She was being obnoxious and trying to irritate me.

“Hello Piper.” I said not even looking at her or Logan.

“Aren’t you going to be nice and come see how she has been?” I heard Logan ask loudly and I heard a honk. I turned and see them both in his convertible.

“I am a little busy.” I said turning back around only to have them honk again. I wanted to shout and scream but I am bigger than them and I won’t let them get me upset and see me irritated.

“Thanks for opening that up.” I felt Piper touch my shoulder and since I was still irritated not knowing she was getting out before he parked I jerked away. “What’s the matter?” She asked in a fake gooey concerned tone.

“You and your stupid boyfriend.” I said simply walking in and walking to my usual studio.

“But you used to have the biggest crush on Logan!” She shouted and I gritted my teeth.

“Yeah, and then he turned to a slut like you.” I said with a small smile and went right into the room locking it and then sliding down the door.

I had lost her as a friend and I would never take her back as a friend. Ever! She knew that I only liked Logan because he was one of the first guys who didn’t look at my body while he made his way over to talk to us.

I had gotten so irritated and basically blew off every other guy and just wanted him to ask me out, but I came second to Piper. She was really out there with every guy and I knew she had slept with a lot of guys in high school and she was known as the easy friend of the three of us and Logan went for her. No one knew they would turn into more.

I felt someone walking by the room and then someone kicked the door and I just moved away and made sure they couldn’t get in. As soon as I heard their music I am going to go home. I do not want to be here with them. At all!

I heard their studio door close, they went in the one with the loudest door and the one right next to the one I was in. I listened with my eyes closed as I waited to hear music. It was a good 15 minutes later when I did hear it and I heard taps and I just stood walking to the door with my bag and making a break for the door.

I looked out not seeing Dominic’s truck anywhere. Well so much for him telling me to be here when he isn’t here. I can’t be really mad, what if something happened? What if Maddie had to go to the hospital? Or his dad had a harder time understanding stuff this morning.

I bit my lip wondering if I should wait for him still but I knew Piper and Logan were going to try and do something. I looked though the flyers outside and got one with good tape. I tore it off and grabbed one of my pens from my bag and wrote him a note but then before I wrote his name I just thought about it for a moment. He didn’t want anyone to know he was helping until absolutely necessary. I sighed just writing:


Was here on time, I guess something came up with you. I can’t stay here and you shouldn’t if you get this. Logan and Piper are practicing just so you know. Don’t fight him! Please I know you wouldn’t start it but you would end it and we could get disqualified. Just as soon as you get this go home or meet me at my place.


I looked it over and knew I was being a little obvious when it came to me telling him not to fight but I knew he would be the one to understand. I didn’t just write it for the out in the open people to just stop by.

I just looked up and looked around again. Still no sign so I attached it on the door and hoped he saw it before going in.

I got to my car and just sighed letting my head fall onto the steering wheel and somewhat hoped eh wouldn’t show at all.

I started my car, pulled out and started my way home. But when I got home I didn’t see my mom’s car. I wonder where she went. She said she wasn’t doing anything today.

As I got in the house I called her and it just rang and rang until the second to last when someone picked up.

“Talk to her.” I heard my mom whisper. “You are going to have to soon.” She whispered harshly and I just felt confused.

“Mom!” I shouted and there was more movement and I heard someone shout no before a door slam. “Mom?” I called again.

“Hey hon, what are you doing?” She sounded like she was hiding something.

“I am home… Dominic never showed.” I said when she said nothing. “What are you doing and where are you?” I asked wanting to know who she was with more than anything else.

“Just out shopping.” She lied, and I knew she lied because she hesitated a while before even answering.

“Well tell whoever you are trying to make talk to me that I am not that scary and that I am sort of wondering who he is.” I said and heard her about to say something but I hung up. Only to text her she didn’t have to come home right away if she didn’t want to.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal and a bowl. I ate some Trix and then went right into my room flipping on the TV in there and changing it to Captain America :The First Avenger and sighed knowing this was as good as it was going to get. I got comfortable on my bed and wondered if Dom ever got to the studio.

Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now