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I drove to my spot, ignoring Dominic's questions of what I was thinking, if I was alright and if I would talk to him.

I pulled into my spot and got right out. Dominic followed and saw that I was going to the back of my car he waited to see what I would do. I walked over, opened the back and grabbed the blanket I always kept in here for these occasions. I might be out here for a while. I don't care what Dominic wants. I am staying here.

I stared walking through the trees knowing where I was going and Dominic's heavy footsteps and wood crunching were right behind me.

I came to the clearing, went right over to the log and laid the blanket so Dominic and I would have room. I was laying down and watching the clouds, it calmed me and maybe then I would talk with Dominic, but right now I was still pissed he just had come with me.

I put my bag as my pillow and since I had my sweats in there is was sort of comfortable.

What I didn't expect was Dominic to lay right next to me and practically touch my shoulder with his. His hand was resting next to mine and I didn't have the strength to move it, to cross my arms and be mad.

It felt like I had no energy at all anymore.

I felt the tears well up and I let them glide down my cheeks. I wasn't embarrassed and I didn't care if Dominic saw them. I had a reason to cry, I just didn't know why I still let myself. I guess it was because it just hurt to not be wanted.

To know that you didn't really make your dad truly happy.

To be such a disappointment that he left with some other woman to make a family.

I sucked in a ragged breath after that thought and I noticed Dominic moving so he was leaning on his arm and staring down at me, but I just looked straight up.

Just when I thought he was going to say something his arm came around my waist and he turned me so I was on my side and wrapped into his chest.

I didn't know what to do so I started backing away but then he shifted and now that he was on his back he used both his arms to keep me in the crook of his neck.

"Just let it out." He whispered close to the top of my head and as if I needed permission I started sobbing uncontrollably.

I had never cried on someone before and I didn't know what else to do, but soon I realized my fists were clutching onto his shirt for dear life, like if I wasn't holding on to him I would float into the atmosphere.

"It's okay." He whispered this time as he started rubbing up and down my back. My shirt was rising a bit and I felt his rough palms and somehow it felt nice. "Let it all out Jes." He encouraged when I stopped trying to stop myself. I didn't know what else to do so I started sobbing again. I hid my face in the crook of his neck again and just waited for this to be over. So I could apologize.

He should have never seen me like this. No one should see me so vulnerable. I don't know how long I was crying for, but I did realize I was sobbing out words and phrases like how I was unloved and how he was an idiot. But one made Dominic stop me.

I wished to never see him again.

His words made me hug him tightly.

"You'll never see that guy again, I promise." He whispered and I cried all over again.

After that I really didn't know how long I cried until I had fallen asleep. Dominic was still holding me to his chest.

But when I woke up it was pink and orange skies and Dominic was still asleep. He must have dozed off after I did.

I just laid back on his chest like I had woken up to since his arms weren't giving me any room to move off of it. I retracted my arms from around him just in case he woke up and I was awake still holding on to him like I still needed comfort.

I didn't need it anymore. After I have a good cry I push it all behind me until I need to cry again. I listened to Dominic's steady heartbeat and soon started drifting off again. This time hoping to wake up with him awake as well.

I was woken up the next time though, out of a deep sleep. "Jesy... come on sweets, wake up." I heard Dominic whispering as he ran his hands through my hair gently.

"Hi." I whispered rubbing one eye and yawning turning away to stretch.

"Do you want to go back now?" I knew by the tone in his voice that he was leaving the decision for the both of us all up to me.

I looked up and saw the bright lights we don't see down in town.

"Can we stay for a little bit and just look at the stars?" I asked pleading and he nodded still holding on to me. But now I was using his arm as a pillow and he was using my bag.

"Here." He said sitting up and pulling out my jacket and sweats and handing them to me.

"But I'm not cold." I somewhat whined. I was comfortable and I didn't want to move off of his arm just in case he wouldn't let me lay on it again. I don't know what had come over me.

"You're ice cold sweets, just put the jacket on at least." He said covering me with it instead.

The nickname didn't get past me, but it did seem normal. He made a motion for me to lift my head when he went back to laying down next to me. I felt his arm snake in and start playing with my hair like I wouldn't notice.

"Do you see Orion?" I asked wanting some conversation and not just the crickets in the background.

"Yeah, do you see the little dipper?" He asked back and I lifted my head back to see what all he could see and saw it just before the trees started.

"Yeah, do you see Leo?" I asked seeing it really bright tonight.

"No, where is that?" he asked shrinking down to get closer to where I might be seeing it.

"Do you see that clump of stars?" I asked pointing to a constellation I didn't know. I had turned my head to see if he got where I was looking and he nodded. "Look a little to the left and that is Leo." I said and he seemed to find it with a small smile.

Before I could turn my head he turned his so his lips brushed right against mine and for a moment I heard my brain shout at me to look away but Dominic had other plans. His arm that was under my head shifted slightly and I felt his hand on the back of my head. At this point we were both looking into each other's eyes and I had my lips pressed together slightly.

When I saw something twinkle in his eyes though, I felt my lips relax and they were again brushing against his lightly. But only for a moment when he moved closer pressing his lips a bit more firmly to mine. Not completely but he made it known he wanted to kiss me properly. I closed my eyes first pushing my lips more into his before he started moving his own lips to actually start the kiss.


Ascending Paradise (Book 1)***Published now on Amazon!!***Where stories live. Discover now