Chapter 26: Girls' Day Out

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Anna's POV:

Stupid Alyn...he's getting on my nerves, I said to myself as I was walking on my way home

That Alyn Scottfield, is so annyoing! He's making fun of me because of my goddamn secret!

I continue to walk frustratingly on the sidewalks, the thought of him makes my eyes roll

"He seems more interested to talk to me ever since he found out about it..." I said to myself

*ringgg *ringggg my phone rang

Oh, it's Liana! I wonder what's up

"What's up, Lia?" I answered the call

"Don't give me the casual 'What's up' tone! You sounded like a boy if you say that" she screeches, which made me giggled a little "Anyway, you're free tomorrow, right?" she asks

"Yep. Where we goin'?"

"To the gym with Rena and Claudia"

Oh yeah, that reminds me, I need to go to the gym

"Sure, sounds great" I replied to her

"Nice! Meet us at the park at 7 am" she says cheerfully then hungs up

It's been a while since I last hung out with my friends. Rena Williams was a ballerina and Claudia was the daughter of a lawyer. They're also one of the prettiest girls at my old school

Rena is the talented one in our group of friends, she's the bubbly type of girl I know. Claudia was the intelligent and matured type, she's more calm and quiet most of the time.

Rena: has long silver hair

Claudia: wears specs and always carries a book

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Claudia: wears specs and always carries a book

I can't wait to see all of them and hear stories that happened back at their school

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I can't wait to see all of them and hear stories that happened back at their school


Anna's POV:

It's the next morning, I'm now heading to the park and meet up with my friends.

As I arrived, Liana waved her hand so that I can see them from afar.

"Anna! Over here!" Rena shouted

Then I ran towards them and we hugged each other.

We were all happy that we finally get to hang out for the rest of the morning

"Finally, Anna's here!" Liana celebrated

"Now that we're complete, let's head to the gym, shall we?" Claudia said


On our way to the gym, we all talked about things that had happened from their school.

"Things got a little bit boring since you left" Claudia says sadly

"Yeah, most people stopped watching the basketball girls' games" Rena continues

Then we all listened to Liana's stories about her crazy mixed up moments she had with guys iver the past years, we all laughed and had fun.

"So Anna, how's the new school? Lia told us that you were the first girl on campus!" Rena turns to me with a shocked expression, followed by Claudia and Liana

Oh right, I haven't told them about that

"Yeah, aren't you uncomfortable around boys?" Claudia said

I shook my head "Nope" I replied "At first, I was but I got used to them, some of them looked pretty annoying but they seemed nice to me. It doesn't bother me, boys are boys"

I kinda thought about it, I really got used to them. The way they treated me, like a sister.

I thought that they're the type that would harass girls all the time, then force them to have sex with them and do naughty things.

But most of them were very kind towards me, they always ask if I'm okay or anything. I wonder how would they treat me if I'm me, the real me. They probably treat me like shit for sure...

"Honestly, we're worried about you being the only girl over there" Liana said

"Don't worry guys, I'm fine! I can defense myself, you know" I replied confidently

They all rolled their eyes "There you go, being the tough chick again" then we all laughed

Claudia stops as soon as she arrived in front of the sports house

"What's wrong, Claud?" I asked

"We can't go upstairs to the gym since the stairs was blocked"

We all glanced at her direction and see a huge boxing bag/sand bag, blocking the whole staircase

We all groaned with disappointed

"Guess we can't go working out today" Liana sighed

"Let's just move this thing inside the boxing room which is right next to the stairs" Rena says

"We can't carry this by ourselves" Claudia replied "The boxing men were busy inside and the doors were locked as always"

"If only we're like men, we can carry this whole thing back to thr room by ourselves" Liana groaned

"Leave that to me" I said as I flipoed my hair

I grabbed the chain handle of the heavy boxing bag and threw it in front of the boxing room


"What the fuck was that?!"
"Was there something outside?!"
"An earthquake?!"
"It came from outside"the boxing men opens the door and sees the boxing bag

"It's our boxing bag! It's right over here guys!" one of the men shouted

I angrily stomped my foot towards them "How many times have I told you to never leave your equipments outside the room?!" I scolded them

All of them were so frightened as they hear my voice

"Anna?! You're back?!"
"We didn't know you were there! We-We're sorry!"
"We're very sorry, Ms. Lautner! It will not happen again!"

They apologized then carried the boxing bag back inside

"Wow Anna! That was amazing!!" Liana screamed with joy

"Yes it was!" they all agreed

"Here's a reward from me" Rena said as she plucks out a flower from one of the bushes.

She hands me the flower, it made me blushed for a moment. The flower was so beautiful! It has a very bright yellow color and has six petals, which it kinda reminds me of a star

Suddenly, Liana caught something from a distant

"Huh? Is that Alyn Scottfield looking this way?" she said

I turned to her direction, followed bg the two, we see Alyn standing a little bit away from us, and stares at us

"W-What are you looking at?!" I shouted


End of Chapter 26 :)))

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