Chapter 30: Masochist, Sadist

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Anna's POV:

I felt really weird when I woke up. I didn't feel tired or restless. I was wide awake, I opened my phone to check the time. It's 5 in the morning. Class starts at 7:30.

Anyways, I get ready for the day. But another thing pops up in my head. I have time to study.

So I grabbed my book bag and pulled out my books and notes. Then set my alarm to 5:30 because that's usually the time I get up.

I still don't have much time to study for math.

After I studied, I fixed my book bag and take a shower.

Still, I feel weird. I'm not usually a morning person. I'm most likely to be half awake at this time, looking like a zombie.

After changing clothes, I went downstairs for breakfast. The whole time, I was expecting that I would be the first person to go downstairs at this time, but I found someone already at the table, eating.

I can see Lele cooking up some bacon, ham and eggs. Then he noticed my presence.

He had a confused look on his face, he then puts his hands on his waist "You too?" he or maybe she asked

"What?" I  tilted my head a little

"I'm surprised that you'd be up this early" she said as she continues to cook

I looked at the person who's currently eating at the table, oh it's flowerboy

I sat down at the other side of the table, facing him. I don't want to make eye contact with him, it'll make me feel awkward.

I felt that he glanced at me for a quick second but I try to act like I didn't notice.

As he was too focused sipping on his cup, reading something from his phone, I looked at him.

Why is he so goddamn attractive? And his lashes, grr! I'm so jealous! I frowned a little because of his good looks. Did I just say complimented him in my mind?

I immediately looked away as he puts his cup down.


Did I just hear him laughed?

Then he stood up and leaves the table, already heading out of the door, without even saying goodbye or thanks for the food. Rude.

After watching him leave the room, I heaved out a long sigh then focused on my notes. I munched my food as I reviewed the lessons.

Then I hear footsteps coming,

"Good Morning!" A voice greeted us in the dining room/kitchen

"Good Morning, Sunshine!" Lele waves at him

"Oh, hey David" I smiled cheerfully

"You're up early" he replied then sat beside me

I nodded and smiled, he then glanced at my notebook

"You're already studying science? I thought that test would be tomorrow?" he looked surprised but not worried

"I'm studying in advance because I'm coming to a party later, after class" I replied

"Who's party?" Yu suddenly pops up behind me then smiles. It gave me a shock

"A friend of mine back at my old school" I responded

"That's rough" Ethan suddenly pops up too, but at the corner of the table.

"Why's that?" I replied

"Going out for parties at night while in the middle of an exams week" he shrugged his shoulders "Studying, memorizing, partying..."

"I can handle these kind of things" I said "It's easy for me"

"Really? I can't" he replied

Yu and David also nodded meaning they agreed

"I can't really focus on studying when I'm going out at the same time" David pointed out "I don't study by the way"

I smirked as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, my parents are sometimes strict when it comes to studying" I said "but I always enjoyed hanging out with my friends and I managed to do it at the same time"

"That's pretty stressful" they reacted

"Doesn't that makes you feel tired?" Yu suddenly looks concerned "I mean, you're a very hard working person"

Hard working? All the things I do are just what a normal student/teenager would do.

I let out a confused look as I tilted my head a little then raised an eyebrow

"Uhh, let's just go to class, we don't wanna be late for the test" Ethan changes the subject


It's lunch time, the boys went out to eat while I just stayed in my seat, of course to study.

I forgot all about my reaction paper that I promised to my English teacher. I'm supposed to include 15 Idioms and participles in the paper. The deadline is today.

Why did I even promised to write a reaction paper? Stupid Anna!

God! This is stressful!, I groaned in my mind

I took a deep breath as I try to focus on my book

"I'm so busy..." I coughed

"Are you a masochist, Lautner?" A voice interrupts me, it made me jumped

I turned my head at the door and see Alyn Scottfield, leaning at the door

"What are you doing here?!" I shouted  at him

"You seem to enjoy driving yourself into a corner" he calmly replied "Oh, I guess you're a sadist too"

Everytime I see his face, makes me annoyed or furious. Why is he doing here?

"Huh?!" I stood up from my chair. I didn't get what he meant

"I think you should loosen up a bit"

While Alyn was talking, myind starts to spin. I feel dizzy...

"Just watching you..." he continues to talk, his voice starts to fade in my mind, almost like someone was blocking the sound with a glass barrier

He looked and starts walking towards me, still talking

I start to lose my balance and fall to the ground

"...makes me me worry" he said as he catches me with his strong arm before I even hit my back to the floor

His words sparked my soul and made me feel wide awake.

"Stay away!" I yelled as I stood up and pushed his hand away from me.

"I...don't need help from the likes of you" I said to him with a straight face

He was silent for a moment then replies "Okay then" his voice became cold as ice then leaves the room

I didn't look him in the face after I said something so harsh. It made me feel a little bit guilty

*Cough *cough

I returned to my seat and continue to do my work.


End of Chapter 30 :)))

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