Chapter 2

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When I went to go to the new girls locker she turned around and we bumped into each other and fell. She was on top of me and when she opened her eyes I was looking into the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. We stayed there for a couple minutes just looking into each other's eyes. I couldn't even talk I was so mesmerized by her beauty. Then of course Hayes had to come and ruin our perfect moment.

"Woah guys what's going on here?" Hayes said in his flirty voice.

"Oh...umm...i'm so sorry have to go to class... bye." She said so embarrassed as she basically ran away from me.

"Thanks a lot Hayes why do you have to ruin everything!" I yelled at Hayes.

"I'm sorry bro I didn't know she would do that I was just joking around." Hayes said sincerely.

"Well look at how that worked out. Now she probably is embarrassed to be by me!" I continued to yell at him. I've got to calm down I don't want to get angry enough to hurt Hayes after all he is my brother. "I've got to get to class." Breathing to calm myself down.

Mackenzie's POV

"Lacey wait I need to talk to you!" I yelled across the hallway. I was running but not to fast or my dress would fly up. Then I would give everyone in the hallway a view of my underwear which had pink hearts on them. That would be embarrassing.

"Mack what's up?" She asked.

"The most embarrassing thing just happened to me!" I said

"What happened?" Lacey asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I was at my locker after you left and I just grabbed my books and turned around and ran into Nash. We both fell and when I opened my eyes I was on top of him and we stayed like that for a little while. Then Hayes came over and was like 'what's going on here' and then he winked at us. Then my face got all red and I basically ran away." I said my face getting red just talking about it.

"Omg I'm so sorry. But still he came over to talk to you. I think he likes you!" Lacey said all giddy. I started to blush.

Nash Grier might like me...oh my god...Nash Grier might like me!

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