Chapter 38

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Chapter 38: Mrs. Hastings POV

Today is the day of the funeral. I put on my black dress and put my hair up into a perfect bun. I can't believe I'm going to my daughters funeral. This is the worst day of my life. My husband has tried not to cry in front of me or my other daughter. But I know every night when he thinks I'm asleep he cries. It's got to be so hard for him. He lost his oldest daughter his first baby girl. It's extremely hard for me too. I mean my first daughter. We were so close. I'm never going to watch her walk down the aisle and have a family. I have to stop thinking about this or I'm going to start balling. I went into my daughters room and made sure she was getting ready. I walked in and she was wearing one of Mackenzie's black dresses. She looked just like her. She looked so pretty.

"I'm ready mom." she said looking one last time in the mirror. "When are we leaving?" she asked.

"Right now go and wait in the car I have to get your father."

"Okay mom."

"Dave!" I yelled down the hallway. "We have to go!"

"Okay Mary."

We walked downstairs and out the door to the car. We drove to the church. When we got there there was already cars parked all over the place. They were parked in the street and anywhere else they could park. People weren't allowed in yet but family was. Dave, my daughter, mom, dad, Dave's mom, and Dave's dad all sat in the front row. A couple minutes later everyone else filed in sitting in the rows or standing when there were no more seats left. The whole church was filled. The service started after a couple more minutes.

"We are all here today to mourn the loss of Mackenzie Rose Hastings. As her sister I have the honor to speak on behalf of my family. She was a beloved sister, daughter and granddaughter. My whole family adored her. She was a great student, athlete, daughter, sister and granddaughter. When she wants something she won't stop till she gets it. Like when she wanted to have my Barbie doll when she was 7 and I was 5. Mackenzie and I got along really well. She helped me with any problems I had and had my back no matter what. I remember in 3rd grade this one girl used to call me names. I told Mackenzie and they next day at recess she told her if she didn't stop she would tell her mom. That girl never bothered me again. I was so blessed to have known Mackenzie. I hope everyone of you in this room got to know Mackenzie as well as I did. Thank you all for coming in this time of tragedy in our family. I love you Mackenzie and I will never forget you."

Nash's POV

I was very mad I couldn't attend Mackenzie's funeral. Now I had to go back to school and face the last week senior year with out her. I walked into the school and saw Mackenzie's sister man she really did look like her. A few tears slide down my cheek and she saw. She waved me over to her.

"Hi." She said.


"Come with me." she said pulling me into the janitors closet.

"What are we doing?"

"I have to tell you something my family isn't going to tell you."


"Mackenzie's alive."

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