Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Mackenzie's POV

Lacey and I picked our room it was the biggest out of all of them and had the best view. We brought all of our bags upstairs and started unpacking. I called the closet and Lacey got the dresser. I mostly packed my high waisted shorts and crop tops. I also packed a few dresses. When I finished unpacking I laid down on my bed and checked my twitter. I was shocked to see some of the tweets.

*reading tweets*

Nash's new girlfriend, Mackenzie Hasting is such a slut. She is just using Nash to be popular because she is a little nobody. How does he even like her she is the ugliest girl I have ever seen. #ihatemackenzie

Mackenzie's using Nash. She is such I bitch I hate her.

Nash you should totally dump her she is using you.


Omg I can't believe this. Why are they doing this? Lacey left for the bathroom and I started balling. Nash walked in and saw me and rushed to my side.

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