Chapter 7

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CHAPTER 7: Mackenzie's POV

I was talking to Lacey when I saw Nash walk through the front door. I ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug. He lifted me up and twirled me around which always made me laugh.

"Hey babe." Nash said kissing me on the cheek.

"Hi." I said blushing.

"Want to go to this really pretty place outside before class starts?" he asked smiling.

"Sure lets go! We have about 30 minutes before the bell." I said as we walked out the door.

"It's just right through these woods." he said pulling me to this big rock by a little pond." he said.

We walked to the rock and we both sat down on it.

"Wow this is beautiful." I said looking at the beautiful landscape around us.

"It's even better that I am here with the most beautiful girl in the world." he said wrapping his arms around me.

I blushed while I said "Nash Grier I love you." I said smiling at him.

He leaned into my ear and whispered ''I love you too''. He leaned in and we kissed. It was a little kiss. We both laid on the rock kissing when the bell rang for first period.

"To be continued." he said to me while he got off of me and the rock.

"To be continued." I answered back to him as I walked away from the rock. This would be our thing "to be continued."

Nash's POV

I could concentrate on anything but school right now. I still couldn't stop thinking about Mackenzie's soft lips on mine. Her skinny body pressed against mine as we laid on that rock. To be continued we had both said I can definitely tell you I couldn't wait. When the bell finally rung I ran to go find Mackenzie. I saw her at her locker so I snuck up behind her and hugged her from behind. When she turned around I kissed her. I tried to deepen the kiss but she pulled away.

"What's wrong?" I asked her worried I had done something wrong.

"Nothing I want to save all the kissing for when we are alone." she said winking at me.

"Sounds good." I said craving her kisses more and more.

"Good I got to get to class. I will meet you in the parking lot by your car." She said smiling. Wow she is making it so hard not to kiss her but I knew I would be soon.

"Bye Nash see you later." she said flashing me a big smile and waving good bye in a very flirty way.

"Bye bae." I said and she laughed.

Mackenzie's POV

I couldn't concentrate in English class today because when this period was over I would be on my way to have my second "date" with Nash. I spent all of English doodling Nash's name on my binder. When the bell finally rung I ran to my locker and put my books away. I walked out to the parking lot where Nash parked his car.

"Hey bae." Nash said when I got in the car.

"Hey Nash." I said smiling at him. We pulled out of the parking lot and turned on the radio. Buck Wild was on the radio so me and Nash sang at the top of our lungs.

"So what do you want to do at my place?" he asked.

"Well we can watch a movie or something." I said.

"Sounds good." he said smirking while I laughed at him.

We finally got to his house and he came to my side of the car and carried me into the house and dropped me on the couch. We sat there for a little just looking at each other when Nash wrapped his arms around me and lowered me so I was lying on the couch. Then he slowly climb on top of me.

"Nash what are you doing?" I asked flirting with him.

"I'm getting ready to kiss you." he said winking.

When he got on top of me I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"haha" he said smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"I liked how you wrapped your legs around me. Is it to make sure I don't escape?" he said smirking as he leaned in to kiss me. He was moving really slow probably to tease me. He opened his mouth when he was right above my lips and put his mouth on mine and we kissed. It felt good as the kiss was getting deeper and deeper. He moved his hands to the bottom of my shirt. I didn't know what he was going to do. He was trying to take it off! I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready plus his parents would be home any minute so I pulled away from the kiss.

"What's wrong?" he asked with a worried look on his face.

"I don't know. I just don't think we should do this here I mean who knows when your parents will be home." I said.

"Yeah we should wait for the perfect time." He said understanding what I was saying.

"Yeah I just don't know if we are ready yet." I said.

"Yeah your right." he said not as sad anymore.

"Well I got to get home and work on homework. I will see you tomorrow." I said kissing him goodbye.

"Love you bae." Nash said kissing me back.

"Love you." I said shutting the door

behind me. I walk to my house unlocked the door and walked up the stairs to my room. I dumped my bag out on my bed and started my homework.

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