Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: Mackenzie's POV

"What!" Lacey yelled. "You guys are so cute together. Why would you break up with him?" she asked.

"I can't deal with this. I don't want to be constantly hated on by his fans for dating him. Some girl even threatened my life. This is all to much drama." I said.

"Well whatever you chose I will support you." she said.

"Thanks Lace." I said hugging her.

"We will just have to get early tickets to fly back home." she said.

"Okay I will look tickets up on my laptop." I said.

"Okay well I'm going to take a walk on the beach want to come?" she asked.

"Nah I'm going to look up tickets." I said grabbing my laptop and pulling it onto my lap.

"Okay see ya later Mack." she said grabbing her flip flops and walking out the door.

I searched tickets for a flight to North Carolina. The only tickets that were for a plane leaving LAX to North Carolina were for...TOMORROW! I have to break up with Nash by tonight! I better go tell Lace. I put my laptop on my bed grabbed my flip flops and ran downstairs. I passed all the boys sitting on the couch and ran outside. I saw Lacey sitting on a towel by the water.

"Lacey!" I screamed running towards her.

"What's wrong!" she said turning around.

"I have to breakup with Nash by tonight if we are going to leave. The only tickets for a plane leaving LAX and are going to North Carolina are for tomorrow." I said.

"So are you going to do it?" she asked.

"I think so what choice do I have I'm scared to even be by myself places because of the one tweet threatening my life." I said.

"Okay well I support your decision. Whatever it is." she said.

"Thanks well I better go do it." I said walking away from lace towards the house.

Nash's POV

I walked into Mackenzie's room to see if Lacey was there to find out why Mack ran out of the house. I knocked and nobody answered so I let myself in. Nobody was in the room. I saw Mackenzie's laptop on the bed and I went over to see if it had anything to do with her running out of the house. I was shocked to see what was on the screen. It showed that two tickets for a plane ride from LAX to North Carolina for tomorrow. What was this all about.

"What are you doing?" I herd Mack say. I turned around and she was standing in the doorway. She didn't look happy.

"Umm I was just..." I said.

"Invading my privacy." she said

snatching her laptop away from me.

"No I just saw it here and I just..." I said.

"Just stop. I have to talk to you Nash." she said clutching her laptop to her chest.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well all these tweets are getting worse. One even threatened my life. That's not okay. I just want this all to stop. I can't stand drama. So I think we need to see other people." she said.

I couldn't believe this was happening.

"So Lacey and I are leaving tomorrow." she said.

"But you can't just go. Why are a couple nasty tweets breaking us up?" I asked.

"A couple tweets!" she said raising her voice. "They are threatening my LIFE! That doesn't matter to you! I can't date someone who's fans hating on me constantly." she said.

"But I love you Mackenzie." I said.

"I love you too but it's not going to work if this keeps happening. Its not going to work."she said starting for the door.

I grabbed her arm pulling her back and she screamed in pain. "You are not leaving me Mack." I said pulling her in for a kiss when she tried to push me away. "Don't do that Mack." I said slapping her across the face.

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