Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Mackenzie's POV

I woke up in Nash's arms and I gently kissed him on the cheek to wake him up.

"Good morning beautiful" he said in his sexy sleepy voice.

"Good morning." I said. I grabbed my phone to see if I had any new messages. I had a text from Lacey saying that her and Taylor were going to get breakfast. I had a lot of twitter alerts.

*reading the tweets*

What a slut Mackenzie is she is so using Nash.

If she is mad about these tweets why does her boyfriend have to say something why can't she?

I can sum Mackenzie up in one word BITCH.

Nash I feel so bad for you having to spend time with Mackenzie.

I hope you dump her soon.

Hate you Mackenzie Nash deserves someone better than you. #ihatemackenzie

I feel bad for Nash he should be dating someone who is actually pretty.

I want to kill Mackenzie. Literally I will find her and kill her if it's the last thing I ever do. #watchyourbackmack

Why aren't they stopping? What am I supposed to do now? Should I tell Nash.

"Mack what's wrong you look worried?" Nash asked me.

"Umm yeah something is wrong." I said.

"What is it." he asked.

"Well the tweets about me haven't stopped." I said waiting for his reaction.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"They are getting even worse because of the tweet you tweeted." I said.

"What is wrong with these fans!" he yelled throwing the alarm clock on my nightstand across the room.

"Calm down Nash." I said.

"I can't calm down when the love of my life is being constantly hated on by the people I thought were my fans." he said walking to the door and leaving my room slamming the door behind him.

"What was that about?" Lacey asked when she walked in the door.

"I'm being hated on by his fans for dating him." I said.

"That's terrible." she said coming to sit on my bed.

"I think I have to..." I said tearing up.

"Have to what?" she asked.

"Breakup with Nash..."

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