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Taylor's POV

"Come her Avery" I said down the hallway and then I herd little feet running towards me.

"Daddy!" my daughter yelled jumping into my arms.

"Okay sweetie I have to go meet my friend Cameron and you and your mommy are going to go to the park." I said holding her in my arms.

"Okay daddy love you." she said kissing me on the cheek.

"Love you to Avery." I said putting her down.

"Your such a good dad babe." My wife said

"There's my beautiful wife." I said to Casey.

"You should get going." Casey said kissing my cheek then hugging me.

"Okay baby. Love you." I said.

"Love you." She said lifting Avery up.

Ever since me and Casey started dating I knew she was the one. When I found out I got her pregnant I proposed. We moved to Nevada and started a family. We met a bunch of new friends. I don't talk to any of my old friends though. It doesn't matter because I have everything I need. My beautiful wife Casey Caniff and my beautiful daughter Avery Caniff and soon to be Alex Caniff. We found out that Casey is pregnant again with my new son! My life turned out to be really awesome.

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