Chapter 6

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CHAPTER 6: Mackenzie's POV

"Hey sweetie how was the date?" my mom asked excited to hear what I would say.

"Amazing, Nash is so sweet." I said blushing a little.

"Awe that's great sweetie. I guess that means we will be seeing him a lot." she said smiling at me.

"Yep." I said yawning. "I think I'm going to go to bed I'm really tired."

"Ok sweetie goodnight." my mom said as I walked up the stairs.

"Goodnight mom." I said as I opened my bedroom door. As soon as I closed it I started fan girling. I was jumping all around my room. "I made out with Nash Grier!" I whispered excitedly around my room. I didn't want to say it to loud because my window was open and Nash's room was right across from mine.

Nash's POV

"I couldn't sleep at all last night." I told Hayes when we were getting ready to leave for school.

"Why?" he asked already knowing the answer would have to do with Mackenzie.

"Because after we finished our dinner I brought her to the house." I said whispering it so my mom couldn't hear since she was right in the kitchen.

"When nobody was home!" Hayes said raising his voice. I slapped my hand over his mouth so he couldn't say anything else.

"Shh! That's why I brought her home." I said quietly.

"Well what happened?" He asked with a curious look on his face.

"Well we went to my room and watched the Notebook and then we kinda made out." I said blushing a little.

"You guys kissed!" he said.

"Yep. Come on we have to go to school or we will be late." I said while pulling him to the door.

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