Chapter 10

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CHAPTER 10: Nash's POV

"Hi what room is Mackenzie Hasting in?" I asked the lady at the front desk.

"She's in F15 but she isn't in there right now." she said continuing to type on her computer.

"Why where is she?" I asked getting worried.

"She's in emergency care." she said like it was nothing.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"I will just call the doctor out here to explain." she said getting annoyed with all my questions.

I walked over to the couches and sat down. I couldn't sit for long before I had to get up and pace around the waiting room. When the doctor finally came through the door I ran up to him.

"What happened to Mackenzie?" I asked.

"Well when she was in the house a broken beam from the ceiling fell and hit her on the head. It knocked her out and she fell onto the steps. The flames reached the steps where she was and she got bad burns on her left side on her arm, and leg. She will be in the hospital for a while. She may be in to much pain to even walk for a while. We weren't even sure she was going to make it." He said sadly.

"It's that bad?" I said shocked.

"Yep." he said looking away from me.

"When can I see her?" I asked.

"Not for a while we want her to feel and look better before she has any visitors." he said.

"Ok well I guess I should get going. Oh wait will she be ok by April 19th?" I asked hopeful he would say yes.

"She might be ready why?" he asked curiously.

"Well me and my friends from vine go around the country and meet our fans and I really wanted her to come with me." I said.

"Well I might be able to make something work so she can go." He said smiling.

Mackenzie's POV

I woke up in the hospital the next day. I tried to move but that sent a searing pain up my left side. I took off my blanket to see why it hurt so much and my whole left side from my feet to my shoulder were covered in burns. Why was I covered in burns? Why was I in the hospital? Just then one of the doctors walked in.

"Hello Mackenzie how are you feeling?" He asked.

"My left side hurts but why do I have burns on my side?" I asked.

"You were in a fire." he said.

"I was? Where was I?" I asked.

"Yes you were. The fire was at your house." he said sadly.

"What!" I said trying to get out of bed.

"Woah! Come down!" the doctor yelled at me.

"No I have to go find my family and Nash." I said.

"No you can't get out of bed yet you will hurt your burns." the doctor said pushing me back down onto the bed.

"No you don't understand I need to let my family know I'm okay." I said to him.

"They know you are okay. Now just lay down." he said.

"When can they come see me?" I said sadly.

"Maybe in a couple of days." the doctor said opening the door to leave.

When he left I was all alone in the tiny hospital room in my uncomfortable bed. My burns were really hurting I think the medication is wearing off. I had nothing to do in my little room. I looked on my bedside table and saw a little notebook and a pen. I picked it up and examined the inside, there was nothing written in it. I uncapped the pen and started drawing. After about an hour I ended up with a drawing of Nash and I walking in a park. I couldn't wait to show him this, I know he would love to see it.

Nash's POV

I need to see Mackenzie it's been about three days and I haven't seen her once. I was going to go crazy not seeing her. I hope she's okay. She must be going crazy not being able to see her family or friends.

"Hey how you doing?" Hayes asked me.

"You haven't been out of your room for two days." He said with a worried look on his face.

"I'm just sad that I can't see Mackenzie yet." I said looking out the window to her house. It was burned up but they had construction crews coming tomorrow to clear the yard and start to build.

"That's what I was coming to talk to you about. The doctor called and said starting tomorrow they would allow people to start visiting Mackenzie." he said waiting for my reaction.

"Yes! Finally! I can't wait till tomorrow I am going to visit her right after school." I said jumping around my room.

"Mom said she wants to come when you go to see Mackenzie. I want to come too." he said.

We woke up the next morning and got ready for school. When we finished we went downstairs to leave when are mom told us to wait.

"Since we are going to visit Mackenzie after school you guys can stay home. We are going to the store to get a ballon, a card, and whatever else we think she would like." she said reading all that off her to do list.

"Okay mom sounds good." I said.

We all piled into my moms tiny sports car and headed for Walmart. When we got to Walmart I headed to the card section to find Mackenzie the perfect card. When I finally found a good card I moved on to finding a cute ballon that would make her smile. I found a cute ballon with her favorite animal a kitten. I walked around Walmart trying to find her the perfect gift to cheer her up. What should I get her? I know what I will get her. I will buy her favorite movie Monsters INC. and get her a Sully stuffed animal. She will definitely love that. I walked to the back of the store picked out the movie and her stuffed animal. I met my mom at the front of the store when she finished her grocery shopping. We put all the bags in the car and drove home. We put all the groceries in the kitchen and then grabbed the stuff for Mackenzie and we went back into the car and drove to the hospital.

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