Chapter 4

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As soon as I got home I couldn't stop thinking about how I should ask the new girl out. I should probably start by finding out what her name is. I will have to ask Hayes or my mom. How do I even know she likes me. What if she doesn't and I make a fool out of myself. I just need to give it a shot what's the worst thing that could happen.

"Hayes what is the new girls name?" I asked as soon as he walked through the door.

"Her name is Mackenzie." Hayes said.

"Mom I'm going to introduce myself to the new neighbors!" I shouted while I walked out the door. I know how I will ask her out.

*knock knock*

"Hi who are you?" her mom asked.

"I'm Nash Grier your new neighbor. I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. Is your daughter home?" I asked nicely.

"Yep let me go get her." she said. She turned around and walked up the stairs and came down with her. She's beautiful.

"Hi Nash." Mackenzie said happy to see me. Flashing a huge smile. Her smile was amazing and it made me smile.

"Hi I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I also didn't get your name this afternoon?" I asked hoping she would get the hint.

"It's Mackenzie." she said acting flirty.

"What a beautiful name. Well it makes sense since you are such a beautiful girl." I said flirting back.

"Thanks. You really think I'm beautiful?" she asked twirling her hair.

"Of course! I also came to ask you something." I said

"Sure what is it?" she asked excitedly.

"Would you like to go out with me sometime?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"Yes! Of course I will go out with you!" she said hugging me. During the hug I lifted her off the ground and spun her around making her giggle.

"Want to go to Oceanfront Grille tomorrow night?" I asked very excited she was going to go out with me.

"Sure!" She said blushing and twirling her hair.

"What's your number so I can text you the details?" I asked holding out a pen so she could write it on something.

"863-547-0989." she said grabbing my arm so she could write it on my arm. "See you tomorrow." she said waving goodbye while shutting the door.

"Yes!" I screamed when I walked in my front door. I can't believe she said yes.

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