Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: Taylor's POV

I could not believe what I just herd Mackenzie's alive. How is that possible? I saw her she was dead. My fans even said they killed her. What is going on. My head was pounding and little black dots started to blur my vision. Then the room started to go black.

"He's waking up." I herd Mackenzie's sister say.

"What happened?" I asked my voice sounding really raspy.

"You passed out after what I told know." she said not wanting to say anything in front out the nurse.

"What time is it?"

"It's 2:45"

"Meet me in the parking lot by my car and I'm going to drive you someplace and you are going to tell me more about this. Okay."


The bell rang letting us out of school and I grabbed my stuff and walked to my car and waited for Abby. When she finally got here she looked a little nervous. I unlocked the car and I opened my door and got in. Abby just stood there.

"Are you coming?"

"" she said opening the car door and getting in.

We drove for awhile and Abby was starring out the window. We drove out of town to be safe. We didn't want anyone else to know about this. We finally pulled up to a little stream with one bench and I thought it would be the perfect spot. We got out of the car and sat on the bench.

"Okay now tell me what's going on." I said in a stern voice.

"Okay well my parents didn't really like you. They didn't want you to be with Mackenzie. When they found out she was pregnant they were so happy till they found out it was because of you. Mackenzie really liked you so they put on an act of liking you and being happy you got her pregnant. But they weren't. They thought your relationship would never work with a baby coming. Then you proposed and Mackenzie didn't tell them right away. But when they found out they were super mad. That's when they came up with a plan. They made fake twitters and tweeted all those things about having to do with killing Mackenzie. Then they were the ones who sprayed painted your car and the trees. But they dead girl really wasn't Mackenzie. They search for days online looking for a girl that looked like Mackenzie so they could kill her and pretend it was Mack. They sent Mackenzie away to a boarding school in California. I think it was called PCA. They told her if she ever was in contact with you again they will send her farther away. Or even do something else but nobody knew what the something else was."

"Your parents are sick." I said with a disgusted look on my face.

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