Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Mackenzie's POV

I tired to leave when Nash grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards. He pulled me so hard I screamed in pain. He tried to kiss me but I pushed him away. He told me not to do that and slapped me across the face.

"You are not breaking up with me. Now kiss me!" He screamed.

"I'm not kissing you we are over." I said.

"We are over when I say we are over." he said pushing me into a wall so hard I fell to the ground. When I was on the ground Nash came over to me and started kicking me hard in the rib area.

I started to cry and was screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Nash stop! Please Nash stop!" I yelled hoping someone would hear me. "Help! Somebody help me!"

"Shut up you little worthless bitch!" he yelled as he pulled me off the ground.

"Help." I tried to say but Nash roughly shoved his lips against mine and kisses me hard so I couldn't talk or breath. He lifted me up and laid me down on my bed. He tried pulling off my shirt I tried to stop him but he kissed me harder so I couldn't breath. He took of my top and than my bra. He was feeling me up and I was trying to scream when Taylor burst through the door.

"Nash what are you doing!" he yelled as he ran over to the bed and pulled him off of me. Taylor started punching and kicking Nash till he was unconscious.

"Are you okay?" Taylor asked me. I caught him looking at my shirtless chest and smirking. I covered my chest with my arms and answered.

"I'm fine." I said grabbing my shirt and quickly pulling it on.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"No he really hurt me Taylor." I said tearing up as he pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay come to my room." he said.

"Okay. Me and Lacey are going to leave tomorrow." I said.

"Okay good so you can get away from Nash." he said.

"I'm scared to sleep in my room alone." I said.

"If you don't mind I will sleep with you." he said.

"That sounds good." I said. We walked to my room and Taylor asked Aaron to take Nash to the hospital to be taken care of.

I was laying on the bed and Taylor came and laid right next to me. I snuggled up into his arms and we fell asleep...

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