Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Mackenzie's POV

*one week later*

I woke up and felt nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and sat over the toilet. After I spent five minutes sick in the bathroom I laid on the couch. I started to feel less nauseous.


I was laying on the couch in my sports bra and shorts. Man I really am tired so I'm going to take a nap.

*the next morning*

I woke up and felt nauseous again so I went to the bathroom and spent about ten minutes in the bathroom. I went to lay on the couch.

"Sweetie are you okay?" my mom asked coming into the living room.

"Yeah I've just been very nauseous these past two mornings than by lunch it is usually better." I explained to her.

"Oh no. Mackenzie get in the car." My mom said grabbing her purse.

We drove to Walgreens and she brought back to the area with tampons, pads, protection, and pregnancy tests.

"Mom what are we doing?" I asked.

"Getting pregnancy tests." she said grabbing two different kinds. She walked up to the counter and payed for them.

"Why are we getting pregnancy teats?" I asked.

"Because you might be pregnant." she said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bathroom at the back of the store.

"What!" I said.

"Take this into the stall and pee on them and we will find out in about an hour." She said placing the pregnancy tests in my hand.

I walked into the stall and peed on the two test and walked out and my mom placed them in a bag.

"Okay we can go home now." She said.

"Okay." I said nervous at what the tests would say.

*one hour later*

"Mackenzie!" my mom yelled.

"Yes mom!" I yelled back.

"Come downstairs please!" she yelled.

I walked downstairs and walked into the bathroom. "yea mom?"

"It's time to check the tests." she said opening the bag.

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