Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: Taylor's POV

I didn't know what to do so I picked up a lifeless Mackenzie and carried her to my car. I laid her down in the backseat and drove to her parents house. I left Mackenzie in the car for now and walked up to their front door and knocked.

"Hello Nash." Mr. Hastings said.

"Hello." I said walking into the house.

"Did you bring...Mackenzie?" Mrs. Hastings said between cries.

"Yes she is in the car." I said opening the door. "I will go get her." I walked out the door to my car and opened the back door. I gently got Mackenzie's body out of the back seat and carried her to the house. I walked back inside and I placed her down on the couch. When I stepped away Mr and Mrs. Hastings both started to cry.

"Why would they do this to our baby girl." Mr. Hastings yelled. "Why would they do this Nash?"

"Um...they were jealous." I said practically whispering.

"What did you say!"

"They were jealous that she was dating me. That we were going to a get married. That we were going to have a kid."

"I knew I shouldn't have let her date somebody who is famous! This is your fault Nash! I can't believe I let someone like you fuck my daughter! Get out and don't ever let me see your face again or I will kill you!"

"But I have to go to the funeral."

"You aren't invited! GET OUT OF MY GOD DAMN HOUSE!"

"Okay." I said leaving the house. "Oh and by the way Mr. Hastings I fucked you daughter good. You should have herd how loud she was moaning. Man I thrusters her so hard she couldn't walk the next day."

"IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" He said chasing me. I was already in my house and Mrs. Hastings was calming him down. Wow I can't believe I said that. Haha. It felt good to stand up to him.

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