Chapter 32

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Chapter 32: Mackenzie POV

We finally pulled up to the place were our baby shower was being held. I was so excited.

"I still can't believe we are having a kid." Taylor said.

"I know it all happened so fast." I said grabbing his hand.

"But the best part is that your the mother." he said reaching over to kiss me. His kisses were the best and I couldn't get enough of them.

"Babe we should probably get inside." I said opening my door and getting out of the car. We walked in and everyone came up and greeted us. My grandmother came over to me and hugged me.

"Mackenzie you grew up so fast I can't believe I'm going to be great grandmother!" she said so happily.

"I know I can't wait to find out the gender!" I said. I said hi to a lot of people and then I saw someone I never thought I would see again. Nash. He saw me looking at him and walked over to me.

"Hi Mackenzie."

"Get away from me Nash. When did you get out of jail?"

"I few weeks ago and then I went to anger management classes. Mackenzie you don't have to be afraid of me anymore I've changed."

"How can I believe you?" I asked.

"Because you think I would come to my ex girlfriends baby shower. You are having a baby with my ex best friend. I came here because I want to be friends with both of you. Im not the same person I was. I came here because I wanted to congratulate you guys."

"What the fuck are you doing here get the hell away from my fucking girlfriend!" Taylor screamed in Nash's face.

"Taylor stop!" I yelled so he could here me.

"What I'm trying to protect the love of my life."

"It's okay Nash has changed and he came her so he could try to be friends with us again."

"Why the fuck do you believe him? Why the fuck would you want to be friends with him. He fucking beat you and then tried to rape you."

"I just want to be friends with him. You should too."


"So are we friends?" Nash asked.

"Yes." me and Taylor both said.

"Thank you guys so much!" he said hugging me and shaking Taylor's hand.

"Your welcome." I said.

*an hour later*

Taylor and I finished opening gifts and it was time for the cake. The cake! We are finally going I know the gender of our baby! The baker brought the cake out and it's was beautiful. It was a baby carriage with a whole bunch of baby things in it. There was a little rubber duck made out of cake in the front.

"The duck is wear you cut to find out the gender." the baker said handing us a knife.

"Are you ready babe?" Taylor asked giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm ready." we took the knife I placed my hand on it and Taylor out his hand on mine. We cut into it and saw the color was...

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