Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Mackenzie's POV

*four months later*

Me and Taylor were going for our first ultrasound and we were finding out the gender. We decided we would kept the gender a secret till the baby shower in 3 weeks. I was really hoping for a girl but a boy would be good too. I was finally showing my baby bump and kids at school were calling me names and treating me different. Lacey was excited for us. At least I'm happy and that's all that matters. Taylor is driving us there and we were only 3 minutes away I was so excited. We pulled up and walked in a waited in the waiting room till the doctor called our names.

"Mackenzie Hasting and Taylor Caniff." he said opening the door so we can walk through. He led us to a room and motioned for me to lay on the table. He got out the special tool and rubbed a cold jelly on my stomach. He rubbed the tool all around my stomach and he looked at a picture I couldn't see. He looked at the screen for a while and Taylor and I were getting nervous. What if it wasn't okay? What if it isn't going to make it? We would be so upset if that happened. I'm really getting nervous he isn't saying anything. I looked at Taylor and he looked nervous to. He was trying to see the screen but he couldn't. What's going on?

"Well the baby is developing but very slowly and it is very small. I'm guessing it will be born prematurely and that when it is born it won't be more than 3 pounds. But I may be wrong it could develop more by the next visit." he said.

"Oh well can you tell the gender?" I asked.

"Yes would you like me to tell you or would you like to be surprised?" he asked.

"Well I would like to be surprised but I would also like to know." I said. "Taylor you can chose if it will be a secret or not."

"Umm." he looked at me with a nervous look. "It should be a secret."

"Sounds good." I said. "We would just like you to put the gender on a piece of paper and put in it an envelope and we will bring it to the baker so they can make a gender cake." I said.

"Okay. Here you go." he said handing me an envelope.

"Thank you." me and Taylor both said.

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