Chapter 1

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"Woah who was that girl?" I asked my brother Hayes. I couldn't stop staring at her. I was overwhelmed by her beauty. She was wearing a tighter light pink dress that showed off her body and flip flops. She had long chocolate brown hair that was up in a ponytail. She looked like a model.

"I don't know I think she's the new girl mom said would be moving in next door." Hayes said. I couldn't believe that the prettiest girl in the whole school would be living next door to me.

"I hope she is." I told Hayes but I wish I didn't. Whenever I like I girl Hayes always makes fun of me.

"Whyyy do you like her?" he said in a flirty voice. "Does Nash like the new girl? Should I go tell her you love her?" Hayes said to me I wanted to slap him.

"Shut up Hayes!" I yelled to him as I shoved him into a locker. I have a little bit of anger issues but I don't usually get mad enough to hurt anyone or anything.

"Whatever Nash I have to get to class." Hayes said finally leaving just as the new girl was coming.

Mackenzie's POV

"OMG is that Nash Grier?" I asked my new friend Lacey. He is the hottest guy I have ever seen.

"Yep." she said very causally.

"Omg I love him I watch his vines everyday!" I said a little to excited. He might be my neighbor too!

"Mack he is totally staring at you. I think he likes you! You should so go talk to him!" Lacey told me. Pushing me in his direction.

"I don't want to just go up and talk to him that's weird. If he wants to talk to me he would come up to me." I said disappointed that he probably wouldn't.

"Maybe he won't because I'm here, I'm going to go to my locker. Tells me if something happens." She said winking at me as she walked away.

I walked over to my locker and put in the combo. I grabbed my books and turned around to go to my class and I bumped into someone. We hit each other so hard we fell to the floor. When I opened my eyes I was shocked to see bright blue eyes staring up at me. I was on top of NASH GRIER!

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