First jumper {3}

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Tobias's POV

I see a grey blur fall into the net and just see Tris as I did last year. She laughs just like Tris did. It's sweet, I pull down the net and she rolls over to me, I pull her out of the net. Her hands a tiny, just as Tris's are.

"What's your name?" I ask

"Um" she says quietly

"Hard one is it? You can change it now but pick wisely, you don't get to pick again." I said those words last year exactly this moment, makes me chuckle.

"I'm Ash, yeah Ash." She says slowly then reassuringly.

"First jumper Ash!" I yell, the dauntless around the net whoop and cheer and chant her name. She has a broad smile on her face and I already know she will fit in.

After all of the initiates has jumped down, Tris jumped down and I helped her down nag kissed her lightly as to not show the others. In total there was only 6 transfers and then there was 8 dauntless born. not the biggest turnout.

The transfers were:

Ash- Abnegation {girl}

Natalie- Candor {girl}

Jonah- Erudite {boy}

Annalise- Amity {girl}

Cooper- Abnegation {boy}

Aaron- Amity {boy}

The dauntless born were:

Shane {boy}

Shailene {girl}

Theo {boy}

Jen {girl}

Meg {girl}

Brad {boy}

Miley {girl}

Dwaine {boy}

"We will be taking the transfers and Lauren and zeke will be taking the dauntless born." Lauren and Zeke take the others and me and tris start talking to the transfers. "Hello everyone, now we know all your names, my name is four and this is six." I say pointing towards Tris. Tris gives me the look saying 'yes the candor already commented on me being a number'.

"You will have three stages during your time as initiates, physical preparedness, emotional preparedness and then mental preparedness."

We take them on the tour around the dauntless compound and finally end up in their dorm. "you must get to sleep whenever you can because training is difficult and boring." Tris says, I nod and agree.

We walk hand in hand to my apartment and I ask her if we should get her stuff, by this time it is 8 so we go towards her old apartment to get her stuff. We laugh about her old things and clothes in her room but she doesn't have a lot of stuff because the dauntless rooms are already furnished.

We go back to my room and start unpacking, we've unpacked one box when i look over at Tris and she's asleep on the bed. She looks so cute when she sleeps.

I hop in the shower and let the water soothe my body, I was in there five

minutes. I put on sweats and clean my teeth, I hop in to bed against Tris and intwine my arms around her small perfect figure, before long sleep takes me.

Again boring and sorry... it deleted itself do I had to redo the last half, hence the randomness of it haha, read on I love you all

~Ali~⠀ོ ⠀ོ ⠀ོ

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