Wedding planning{17}

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Tris' POV

(Time skip to a month after them going to abnegation.)

Since Tobias mentioned Evelyn, we haven't said a single word about it, and right now, I want to talk about this.

For the last couple of days I've been feeling sick again, especially in the mornings. I feel very down as well so I probably just have flu.

"Toby, please can you go and buy me some strawberries and cream? Pleaseeeeeeeeee." I whine dragging out 'please'. I am lay on the sofa looking up at the ceiling.

"Tris, seriously, you have eaton(wink wink) too many strawberries with cream in the last week." I huff and don't reply. "Don't be in a mood with me Tris." he says and I don't reply.

"Fine! I'll get you some strawberries and cream." he exclaims throwing his hands up in the air. "yaaaaay I love you I love you I love you!" I smile, run up to him and wrap my arms around his chest.

"Okay well I'm going to go." Tobias says. "Okay I'm going to go and get Christina anyways, I tell him.

I go to Christina's and she has tears rolling down her face and there is mess everywhere. I take her to my apartment. "Chrissy what's wrong?" I ask her carefully knowing that this must be a tough subject.

"Well I told Will about the baby after I told you and he was really happy. Then a couple of days ago I woke up to a sharp pain in my stomach. It hurt really bad, there was blood everywhere and I couldn't feel or hear anything I just panicked whilst will rushed around trying to get I touch with the hospital quickly. Anyways, so it turned out that my baby had died. I had a miscarriage. I killed a baby." she says sobbing and crying into my chest.

"Chris I am do sorry, and it's not your fault. Now stay here and sleep for a bit. I'm going to find Will and Tobias." I say laying her down on the couch, I put a blanket over her and she instantly falls asleep, tears still falling.

I lock the door and walk to the pit, first I go to the store to find Tobias and Zeke spraying whipped cream everywhere. "Ezekiel(I think?)Pedrad. Tobias Eaton!" I gasp. They look round and see me then hang their heads. "You waisted perfectly good cream" I laugh. "Ohhhh" they say and start laughing.

"Toby we need to go find Will." I say dragging him away from Zeke, "byeee Zekey!" Tobias shouts behind me, "Bye foury!" Zeke yells back.

"Really Tobias? Zekey and Foury?" I ask whilst we are trying to find Will. "Yes Trissy." He replies, I stop. "What did I say about calling me that?" I ask letting go of him and crossing my arms. "Sorry Tris" he says starting to walk and hugging me in the process.

"I think he will be by the chasm just because of the memories he has had there. When I see him, I will go and talk to him, you can just watch." I tell him.

I see will and motion for Tobias to stay, I walk up to will and sit by him, he has his feet dangled over the chasm. "Will? Are you okay?" I ask him. He just Hugs onto me, he just wails clinging on to me and I look back to Tobias and he looks really pissed that Will is hugging me this much. I glare at him saying 'he is mourning. He lost his baby'

"Hey will, you know it would be better if you went to see Chris, she is really upset and she thinks your mad with her." I tell him trying to get up, managing, and pulling him up with me, go on, I'll leave you two to it." I tell him and he walks away thanking me.

"Come on Toby, I want to start planning he wedding." I tell him and he grins at the idea.

We go home and I grab a notepad. "So, I wants a simple wedding but traditional." I tell him. "Yeah, considering we are both original abnegations, having something fancy would feel weird." He replies.

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