Abnegation 1{16}

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Tris' POV

After we ate, we went home and packed. I told him to pack something smart as well, and explained all about abnegations new features.

We locked the apartment with our bags in hands, "let me carry yours Tris." he insists. "No Tobias it's okay I can manage." I say walking down the hall to the entrance. "I am going to carry your bag wether you like it or not!" He says smiling and taking my bag.

"What time does the next train come Toby?" I ask as we arrive at the platform. "at 6.24 so in 3 minutes." He says, he wraps his arm around me and kisses my head.

The train arrives and he jumps on pulling me in. "I could have got in alone Tobias." I say hauling my self into his lap. "I know Tris." he says wrapping his arms around me. I push away from him suddenly feeling sick again.

"Tris what wrong?" he asks looking upset. I put my head out the door kneeling on the floor. "I feel s-" I cut off myself by being sick out of the door. Tobias immediately rubs my back and pulls my hair back.

I sit back on my feet and lean back into his chest. "nothing Tobias, I haven't felt well for a couple days so it's just that, maybe I'll feel better.

"Okay" he says rubbing my back and hugging me on his lap. I start falling asleep to the sound if his breath. That is until I feel wet in my ear, and I feel his chest moving as if he is sniffling.

I look up to see him with silent tears rolling down his face. I've never seen him this upset, ever. I reach up and kiss his chin, "Look Tobias if you don't want to do this, that's okay." I say sitting up to look at him. his eyes are still closed. He shakes his head.

"It might feel better if you talk about it." I tell him, he opens his eyes and I straddle his waist holding his shoulders so I can see him.

"Well at work yesterday, I was watching the cameras and something stood out on camera 5. I saw Marcus outside his house with a woman with longish blonde dirty hair, a faction less. They kissed a lot and then she turned around and I saw someone that was dead. I was sure it was my imagination. So when I went into work this morning after you fell asleep and looked at the same camera again, and there they were talking. I turned up the sound and listened to their hushed voices. they were talking about someone I love. They said that to get to me, they would have to get to you." he says full on sobbing I put his head on my shoulder and he cries for a long time, sobs racking his body. "I don't want to loose you." He says hugging me closer to his chest. "Who was the women Toby?" I ask putting his head between my hands and pulling it to look at me.


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Once we got off the train, we quickly get to my parents home. Tobias had cleaned up, and so have I. At the moment I am wearing leggings and a crop top on with a leather jacket. he is wearing sweats, and a tshirt.

I am about to open the door when I realise it's not my house anymore so I should probably knock. Which I do, it feels weird knocking on my childhood house door.

The door opens to see my mom standing in grey skinny jeans and a floaty grey top. "Mom! You look stunning!" I squeal hugging her, she holds my shoulders to look at me. "look at my girl! You look so good!" she exclaims tearing up. "can we come in?" I ask her, "oh yeah sorry sweetheart. Do you need any help?" She asks letting us in. "No don't worry Mrs Prior." Tobias says takin the bags upstairs.

"You have a hottie Beatrice" she says winking. "Mom! Don't say that! You are an abnegation! You can't be saying stuff like that" I say whispering but smirking. "I was a dauntless remember." she says making us a drink. "Four?!" I yell. no reply, I go upstairs leaving my mom and see my fiancée sat on the bed with my father asking questions. I walk through the door and look at my dad. "Shame on you, Four already doesn't want to be here, don't make it worse." I say in a disapproving tone. "Sorry sweetie, I just don't want you to get hurt." He says going in for a hug. I dodge him, "You don't care, you would have come to visiting days, but you didn't." I hiss "now please just leave, I'm here for work. I need to get ready for our meal anyway." I say, shutting the door. I slide down the door and put my head in my knees, "I am so ill."i say coughing.

"We could sleep if you want Tris." Tobias says from the bed. "No it's okay, I'll be fine." I say getting up and going to the bathroom. I go to the loo, brush my teeth, and change into a short black with a cutout under my boobs. Christina bought it with me. I'm also going to wear some black pumps. These, Christina forced on me. I put on some light makeup and leave my hair down naturally wavy.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Tobias in a lovely navy polo shirt buttoned to the top and some dress pants. He turns around and his jaw drops. "Why can't it wear this everyday Tris?" He says as I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck, "well Toby, then it wouldn't be so special when I wore it." I explain and kiss his nose.

I walk away and turn around. "Can you see my butt?" I ask him. "Like is my dress long enough?" I explain. Then I realised what I was doing so I turn around and walk to him, "Tris you need to stop teasing me." He says with his head up. "And why would I do that Toby?" I say tilting his head to look at me and kissing him passionately he grins into the kiss and so do i. I love this man so much.

There's a knock at the door and I immediately pull away leaning against his chest. "Beatrice, let's go sweetie." My mom says. "Just for the sake of it please can you call me Tris please mom?" I ask her linking her arm. "Yeah sorry um Tris." She says trying out the new word.

I unlink with her arm remembering abnegation don't do that stuff. And hold hands with Tobias leaning into his arm and kissing his neck. "Come on baby, let's go, I say walking out of the bedroom, down the stairs and then outside. It's about six now and it's getting dark. The air is quite warm but I brought my leather jacket anyway.

Once we finish the walk to the restaurant, my dad tells the lady about his reservation and we sit at a table by the window, We are served some water to drink. "Um could I get some beer?" Tobias asks. I nudge him in the side. "Doesn't matter." He replies back. "I'm stressed!" He hisses "oh baby I'm sorry, I forgot. It's okay. We can easily beat him if he gets to us." "Okay Tris." He says back.

"So 'four'. I see that you have proposed to my daughter." My dad starts, he's already talking about me like I'm a possession. "How and why?" He finishes. "Well under the Ferris wheel because that is where I realised I loved her a year ago and because I love her a lot and I can't live without her." He says "Awh Four," I say kissing his jawbone and putting my head in the crease of his neck.

After eating some chicken, mashed potatoes and peas, we head back to my moms house.

We settle down in my small single bed ready for work tomorrow.

"I love you Tris baby." Tobias says kissing my head. "I love you too and we will get through it tomorrow okay?" I tell him.

"Yes okay," he replies. And I easily fall asleep.


I actually updated quickly! Attached is the black dress she wore for her meal out.

I love you all.


~Ali~ ⠀ོ ⠀ོ ⠀ོ

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