One week before the wedding{23}

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Tris' POV

Yesterday I bought the dresses and later on today I am going to the infirmary about the DNA sample. I'm currently at Shaunas and Zekes place, Tobias is making eggs and bacon in the kitchen whilst Zeke is asleep in the bath. Me and Shauna are talking about the baby, and all that comes into my head is Eric and how I am probably his baby.

I am either just over or just under a month with this baby. Me and Tobias haven't talked about it much since we had the argument. I want to sort it out after the DNA test because I can go to the maternity ward and check how far along I am. It can't be to long because there isn't really a bump, more of a curve in my stomach.

"Tris, are you ready to go? They have an earlier meeting," Tobias says walking into the living space. He sounds fuzzy in my eards but get what he was saying. "yeah sure," i whisper. Im not very with it, Shauna engulfs me in hug "He's a good man Tris, just give it a chance." She tells me in my hair.

Tobias holds out his hand and a grasp it with my own, holding his arm with my other hand. Practially clinging onto him. Im so scared of this result. I have no clue why, just who was the man i lived with for sixteen years of my life?

"Tris, baby. we need to go." At the moment we are just stood a few steps out the door. "Oh sorry, just lost in my own thoughts," i tell him smiling lightly and walking down the corridor.

The infirmary sign is lit up in red. We walk through the doors and sit down. I lean my head on Tobias. "I need to check you in." he whispers.

I nod and he gets up and goes over to the desk. He talks to the woman there for about five minutes then comes back over and sits next to me.

"They'll call us in a minute." he tells me. "Can i just go in alone please?" i ask quietly. "You sure?"

I take a big breath. "Yes."

"Six?" A male calls. Tobias smirks at me, i kiss him on the cheek. "Good luck. I love you." He tells me. I nod and follow the male nurse.

"My name is Jono, I specialize in DNA sample testing. This is not 100% accurate but it has a more than 50% chance of being right. I have had specialist training with th new leader of Erudite." He tells me getting some needles and a machine out before taking me into a space with a bed and a curtain.

"What im going to do is take three samples of your blood out of your wrist, arm crease and the back of your hand. Then i will put the blood in the machine and the readings will show your biological mother and biological mother." He tells, i just nod, i have no idea what he is going on about but still.

I look away staring at the clock on the wall as he puts one needle in, the out, then another, then another. "Finished. Do you want your patner to come in for the results?" he asks me. "No thankyou. i need to face this on my own." i tell him. He nods and a piece of paper comes out of the 'reader'

"Six, your biological mother is Mrs Prior, Natalie. Your biological father is Mr Cole, Eric." He says. My mind goes fuzzy. I stand up and walk out. Tobias is standing waiting. looking at the floor, as soon as he hears my foot steps he looks up and puts his arms out. I walk into his chest and ball it in my fists. I cant cry. Not again. "Four, please can we go to the training room? I need to let out some anger right now." He nods. "Okay."

We go home and i put on a black cropped tight top and some black booty shorts. But leave without Tobias. I walk into the training room. I can hear some punching noises in the corner. I walk in that direction and see the only person i didnt want to see today. "What did you do. How are you my, my dad? Why?" i hiss in his face, bunching up his top in my fists and pushing him against the wall. He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Tris, i'm so so sorry." And that just clicks. I collapse into his chest crying. He strokes my hair "Sshh, come on. Tris. Its okay, where's number boy at?" He asks me.

"He was following me, i think, but i dont have a clue." i say still against his chest. I push myself off of him and start walking to the door. "You have some explaining to do." i say turning around and beckoning him to follow me.


Woah guys, 12.5k reads!!! That is phenomenal!!!!!!

I love you guys like beyond your imagination.


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