Camera 5{20}

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Chapter 23

(Incase I haven't already said: for the purpose of the story Eric is a lot older)

Tobias' POV (for a change)

I wake up at around 3am and get out of bed. I completely lashed out on Tris. My beautiful pregnant fiancée. What is wrong with me?

Last month sometime, I went to the hospital for some stitches. I cut my hand at work. Whilst I was there they did a blood test and checked me over. They also had me do a sperm test. When they came back with the test, they told me that i had a very low sperm count and that I would not be able to have children. That completely broke me.

As soon as I met Tris I knew we were going to have children together soon. Our children would be perfect. I love her so much, I've ruined everything. Now I have to tell her what happened.

I stand in front of the mirror leaning against the sink and I splash my face with cold water. I put on a top and walk to the control room, since I saw him and her on camera 5; I've been tracking that camera.

I open the door and walk over to the camera and sit down. I can see Evelyn with a bruise on her face and a cut under her eye.

What has Marcus done? I don't like either of them, no not at all but he still doesn't have the right to do what he does. I pick up the main phone and dial Max' number, me and Tris told him about the camera but he didn't find much out.

(Tobias bold and Max normal)

"Alright Max?"

"Yes four, can I help you?"

"Yeah I'm in the control room right now-"

"What at 3:30am?"

"Yes I needed to cool down, anyway, I'm looking at camera five and there is something you need to see. Get down here as soon as you can, get some dauntless together that wouldn't mind fighting an abnegation leader." I tell him.

"Right I'm on my way."

He walks through the door and stands, hands on the back of my chair and looking intently at the screen. "Look here, this is Evelyn, she is Marcus' ex-wife." I tell him. "How do you know so much about them?" Max asks me.

"Think about it Max." I tell him rolling my eyes and unplugging the headphones. "Now here, she is with a bruise and a cut on her face, lay on the floor obviously in pain. But here," I say rewinding the camera to a couple weeks ago, "she is kissing Marcus and talking about me and Tris, listen carefully."

"They are in dauntless, and the best way to hurt him would be to get close to him. No wait! He has a girl, I saw them! Get the girl! She's an abnegation, Prior I think." Marcus says.

It makes me want to punch him, kill him even. Max's little device in his pocket rings, apparently it's a phone that you can take around! How cool.

"Hello? Yep, oh he's here, we are in the control room, come over now. He's just working." Max says with breaks.

"It was Tris, she didn't know where you were." He tells me putting his portable phone in his pocket.

"Crap I forgot to leave her a note." I shake my head. The door opens and Tris walks in wearing my t-shirt and her underwear, I'm guessing. She has a blanket wrapped around her and her hair is a mess. In a cute way of course. She walks over, not acknowledging Max who is oh look, staring at her legs. She sits on my lap and curls up laying her head on my shoulder. "Toby, I had a nightmare." She sleepily whispers into my chest. Max is practically drooling over the fact he can see her butt.

I stroke my hand over her butt and down her leg, and pulling the blanket down past her uncovered butt cheek. Kind of glaring at Max in the process, he is old enough to be her 'dauntless' dad.

Tris' eyes close and she starts to fall asleep. "Well I need you to go find Marcus and I want him dead, I also don't want Evelyn to find out that I have protected her. I don't want her to find me." I tell him.

"Sure, well thanks Four, you should probably take her back home, this is the time when the dauntless don't look so dauntless." He smiles; I log off my account and pick her up standing and waving goodbye to Max and leaving.

As I shut the door to the control room, her head jolts up and she wriggles around, so much that I nearly drop her. "Get of me, I can't talk to you right now. You said so much about me." She tells me tears in her eyes and pushing off my chest.

"Tris please." I plead. "I will take you to bed." I tell her. She closes her eyes and lies back down against my chest. I go into the room and she stirs but I put her on the bed anyway. She opens her eyes.

"We need to settle our differences soon because I am going to shop for bridesmaids dresses tomorrow with Shauna, Chris and Mar." she tells me.

"Okay, how about we talk tomorrow morning." I suggest. "Okay baby goodnight." she tells me. "Goodnight. I love you." I tell her but she doesn't reply. Tears form into my eyes but I silently let my tears fall and go to sleep. What did I do?


Tris' POV

I wake up the next morning and Tobias isn't with me. He is probably at the table already. I still need to make up with him. I need to get the dresses today. Otherwise the wedding will be delayed if not cancelled. Why would he say that about me? I know he is too good for me but still.

I get up and go into the kitchen. I sit down on the table and Tobias walks in. My legs are dangling off the edge with my knees slightly apart. He gives me some toast and stands in between my legs. He puts his hands on my knees and strokes my legs.

"Baby I'm sorry, I was told that I couldn't have kids and I just jumped to conclusions." He tells me. "I know your sorry but why would you think that of me?" I ask him not looking at his eyes.

"Tris im scared your going to leave me." he says. At this point, tears are rolling down my cheeks and onto my lap. I cant look at his face. I dont even want to speak to him.

I get up and walk out. I shut the door and run.

I didnt go to Shaunas, i will but not yet.

I go straight to the enemy.


I have no idea what kind of state he will be in but i am prepared to take the risk. I knock on the rusty black door, number 357. He opens almost immediatley and i just collapse into his arms, tears flowing down my face. I don't know why but i feel so safe in his arms. Not in the way that i want him, it just feels familiar.

"Tris whats wrong? Why are you so upset?" He asks me, he doesnt sound atall drunk but i can smell it in the house. He walks me inside and i fall on the floor, sobs racking me body. I just keep shaking.

"Tris. Sort yourself out come on." he says roughly pulling me to a stand and taking me to the couch. he sits next to me and i collapse onto his lap. It feels abit wierd being this close to Erics you know thing. But i dont really give a shit.

He sits back as if he is uncomfortable, im not suprised, hes like as old as my dad.(for the purpose of the story he is older than Tobias.) I lift my head off his leg and into my hands. "Speak to me child." he tells me.

"I told four i was pregnant and he straight out thought i cheated on him. He told me that he couldn't have kids, period. He basically called me a slut and I walked out. telling him he had to calm it." I tell him, for some reason I feel like I can trust him.

"Tris I know you have had an emotional day but I have to tell you something." he tells me.

"I'm your dad Tris."


😵plot twist

Sorry I took so long but my laptop kept breaking, I'm writing on my iPod right now but I'm getting a new laptop Thursday on my bestfriends birthday. Also, I got 8.8k reads! Holy shit that's loads. You have made this possible guys.

I love you all.

~Ali~⠀ོ ⠀ོ ⠀ོ

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