Day off 2{11}

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A/N This should be pretty long hopefully :)

Tris's POV

*i go in to see why he was laughing and it is quite evident*

I start laughing and instantly tears roll down my face, Zeke lay in the bath, with the shower on asleep, with blood streaked down the bath and on a cupboard and freaking tampons up his nose.

"Omg" *laugh*"this"*breath*"is the funniest thing I have seen in a long while"*laugh* I laugh.

"He must have fell and since the walls are soundproof, we can't have heard him. he was stupidly drunk" Tobias laughs.

"I'm gonna take a walk, when I get back I expect Zeke and the bathroom cleared. Got it" I'm still in hysterics but I need to take a breather. Plus I have something important to do.

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As I'm on the train, my thoughts keep going back to Tobias and if he will be worried. I never actually told him where i was going... That was probably a mistake.

When i see the Erudite compound, i hop off the train and make my way towards the front desk. The lady at the front desk is not wearing blue, but white. She has glasses on the end of her nose. That annoys me. She doesn't look up from her tapping her keyboard, obviously doing something boring.

"Ur, excuse me." i cough then say loudish, it comes out so loud because in this sector, it is freakishly quiet. I don't like that either. She holds her hand up to my face. She doesn't know what as hit her.

I grab her hand and squish her knuckles, she winces and i hear her bones crack in her hand. "you do not fucking put your hand up in MY face. GOT IT?!' i tell her. i let go of her hand and straighten out my jacket, more calmly, i say "Now, where can i find Caleb Prior?"

She yet again taps some stuff on the screen thingy "He has just finished his shift in the Lab, next he should have a meeting then an interview. before he has his meeting, he has five minutes spare time in his room. His room number is '3104'. Fourth floor, 31st room. It should have his name on the front. Knock first, he lives with someone else." She says smiling and with expression. I smile back but sarcastically. "Thanks." i reply.

I start walking up the big flight of stairs, although not many people are taking the stairs, but being the dauntless i am, i am perfectly okay with the hike. Once i get up to the fourth floor, i lightly jog down to Caleb's room. When i find his name, I knock as instructed. I hear some giggles and i bit of a sigh through the door. This is definitely a flaw in Erudite. Maybe instead of being cold blooded murderers, they should invest in soundproof walls...

The door opens and a slightly flustered Caleb and a woman, who looks oddly familiar, are stood looking at me. I don't even talk, i just hug Caleb. The woman looks slightly taken a back by this and looks almost jealous. I start laughing and pull away, me and Caleb are both beaming with happiness. "Beatrice! It is so good to see you! come inside, i see you got in to dauntless then," he says letting me through the door and shutting it behind me. I awkwardly not my head towards the woman, expecting an explaination about her. "Oh Beatrice-" "Its tris now." i cut him off. "Okay then Tris... this is my beautiful wife Nancy." he says gesturing to his wife. I stick out my hand absent mindedly and she shakes it, "Hi i am Tris, Caleb's sister. I am now dauntless." i say. "My name is Nancy and I am sisters with Albert, he also transfered to dauntles. do you know him?" She replies.

I feel a pang of guilt throughout my chest and start breathing funny. "Caleb, call Four please." he stands there looking at me funny. "NOW!" i shout sliding down the wall and hugging my knees, Nancy tries to comfort me a bit by asking me if i want various things but im not really paying attension to her wittering on.

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I hear banging on the door and then Tobias rushes in. "What did you do to her?" he hises at both people. I am still hugging my knees shaking. He puts an arm around me and pulls me into his lap. "Baby, are you okay?" i start controlling myself and hug onto his shirt. "That is Al's sister, its all my fault." i whisper, he cradles me and tells me its not my fault over and over. I finally calm down, sit on a chair on Tobias's lap and we tell his sister the whole story.

"Well in the middle of intiation, after we had become friends, him and a few others kidknapped me and triend to throw me into the Chasm," i start, "Oh yes ive read about that." she understands. "And then after that, he asked for forgivness. I didnt give in. I was not going to be his friend after he tried to kill me. So later that day, he jumped into the Chasm killing himself, they found his body the next morning. I am so sorry Nancy."

I finish with tears on my eyes. She looks back at me blankly "Its okay Tris, We are sisters in laws and i knew that was going to happen, Albert wasnt cut out for dauntless all along." She explains, i give her a sad smile.

"I cancelled my meeting so we can talk a while" Caleb smiles putting a hand in my knee.

We talk for about an hour. "I actually came here to ask you if you wanted to come to a barbecue tonight at our place, if your up for it?" i ask. He looks at his wife who nods and says that they would be delighted to come over.

As me and tobias open the door to leave, there is a smug face infront of me.

"Hello Tris,how nice to see you again."


Cliffy haha lul at youuuu

1050 words there people! i was so happy when i found this on my laptop! I am so greatful for the 965 of you that are reading my book. I also only have one week left of school which should mean more updates hopefully!!!! I love you all!!!

~Ali~⠀ོ ⠀ོ ⠀ོ

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