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An isolated building-

"Why are you doing this? Please I beg of you... let me go... please. Atleast for the sake of my parents, they are too old to live on their own. They need me. HAVE MERCY!!!" I begged, holding his legs, weeping. He didn't even look at me once.

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? What will you get from all this?" I screamed, I got up and held his collar in my left hand, "ANSWER ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD"

He pulled my hand off him and held my hair in his fist tightly, causing me to groan in pain, "aghhh let go"

"SHUT UP BITCH!!! How much longer will you beg? I'm so fucking annoyed, CANT YOU JUST DIE??" He tugged my hair hardly in his grip. He slapped me on my left cheek before letting go of my hair.

What have I done to die? And in the hands of this man?

I stood there leaning on the wall, there was no way to escape, the more I struggled the more he would hurt me. It was of no use, I had given up.

He turned his back to me, with his one hand in his pocket he took something from his desk drawer and turned to face me.

I could feel the knife piercing through my skin into my stomach as blood poured out from it's metallic sides.
My eyes were pouring out every last bit of tear left in them. They were wide open. He leaned in closer and whispered into my ear, "DIE! Ha ha ha ha ha"

These were the last words I heard from him and then the darkness engulfed me.


At a Cafe -

Daily morning news (9am) :
Another girl has gone missing. It's been three days and the police are still trying to find her. Cases of girls going missing these days in Seoul have increased highly. Please be careful and take care.

Park Jimin's pov:

"What's going on in Seoul these days? Things are getting worse! Now girls can't even step out of their houses without being scared for their lives" Taehyung sighed as he spoke, he really looked disturbed by this. I gave him a pat on his back to comfort him, must be because of his sister, he must be worried for her.

"Everything is going to be alright. Don't worry Taehyung. And we are always here for you." I spoke a few words which I thought would comfort him a bit.

Just then I got a message from my Boss.

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"The old hag wants me at the office right now! Sorry guys I have to leave

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"The old hag wants me at the office right now! Sorry guys I have to leave... I didn't want to but you know-
"We understand Jimin you can go, work comes first" Hobi said grinning.
"Yes hyung you should go" Kookie said with a smile on his lips.

I had to leave my friends at the table and go to my office, unwillingly.


Taehyungs POV-

"It looks like Jimin is working hard these days, don't you think?"

"Ah yes I observed that too, he seems a lot busy these days and meet up with us seldom. I just hope that he doesn't burden himself with work" hobi said worried.

We four have been together for the past 7 years, we never leave each other's side. Except for the other three. They left. Though we were hurt at the beginning and couldn't accept the reality, at one point or the another we came to accept it. We are still unaware of the reason why they had to leave our group except Jimin. He knows it.
And jimin was the one who was affected by that the most. He didn't leave his room for days, it was hard for him as well as for us. Seeing my friend Jimin like that was 

But now everything is good, a lot has changed since then.

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