Chapter 9

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I awaken the next morning groggily, hearing the sounds of low music emanating from somewhere else in the house.

What time is it? I wonder and stretch across the bed to locate my phone. 9:42 am. Despite the fact that we are in the same house, I notice that I still have a morning text from Harry.

Good morning, darling. Sleep well? I've left your clothes outside the door, clean and dry for you. I'm heading for a workout, come find me when you wake up, and I'll cook you breakfast. H x

Breakfast... Hmm, I could eat a horse! As if to agree, my stomach promptly gurgles loudly.

I tiptoe to the door and retrieve my clothes, then head to the en-suite to shower and make myself feel semi-human before I go in search of Harry.

The water is warm and soothing, and I find that I am more relaxed here than I would have thought possible when I arrived yesterday. It probably helped that the bed I spent the night in was amazingly comfortable, I might have to upgrade my mattress to match it as I had the best nights sleep I can remember having in a long time.

I make my way downstairs, trying to use the music as a guide to finding Harry and his gym, Straining my ears I can just about make out the sounds well enough to register that he's working out to generic dance music, not something I'd have expected from him.

Eventually, I find the gym and quietly push the door open. It's huge, and there are various machines scattered around the room, most of which I don't recognise and wouldn't have a clue how to use, plus a large pile of weights in one corner.

At the opposite end of the room I spot Harry, he is engrossed in his work out, punching rhythmically at a red punch bag suspended from the ceiling, his hands wrapped in white tape.

His back is to me, and he hasn't noticed me come in over the sound of the music, so I take a moment to admire his lean body.

He's wearing black shorts, a white vest and a pair of trainers. I can see the edge of a blue headband keeping his hair out of his face as he punches, left, right-left, right-left-right.

I notice that his tattoos are much more numerous than I'd realised, seeming to cover most of his left arm from his wrist to his shoulder. Hmm, I do like a man with tattoos, having several myself. Not what I would have expected from an ex-boyband member though.

Harry takes a break from his punching and starts to turn in my direction, noticing me for the first time.

"Good morning!" He says and flashes me what has quickly become my favourite megawatt smile.

There is sweat dripping from his forehead, and he's slightly flushed. He looks good enough to eat. He strides over to me and kisses my cheek lightly.

"Good morning. Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you. This is quite the impressive set up" I add, motioning to our surroundings

"Thanks! And don't be sorry! I'm glad you're here, erm, I'm about done, and I'm starving. Let me grab a quick shower. Then I'll make us some food. What do you fancy for breakfast? "

"Hmm, pancakes?"

"Sick. I'll meet you in the kitchen in five. Help yourself to anything you want in the meantime."

"Does that include you? " I say brazenly, surprising myself by being so forward. But a part of me was hoping for more than a kiss on the cheek this morning after last night.

Harry chuckles then steps closer towards me until he is just out of reach.

"See something you like Miss Francis?" He asks, looking into my eyes.

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