Chapter 26

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I am sat on the edge of Harry's large bed as he wanders around the room collecting things to pack into his suitcase. It's evident that he's done this a thousand times, placing items into little zip pockets and folding his clothes neatly.

I guess having toured all around the world, packing is something he is used to having to do. He finally zips the case and places it next to the door and comes to stand in front of me. He gently pushes my legs apart and positions himself between them. Placing his hands on my shoulders.

"You know. It's challenging trying to pack when there is a beautiful woman sat on my bed." He says making me giggle.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to distract you.." I tease him, looking up into his eyes as he gazes down at me. "You seemed to do a pretty good job, regardless. I've never seen someone pack so fast."

"Practice." He shrugs. "You do realise, other than when I gave you the tour. This is the first time that you've been in my bedroom?"

His left-hand moves up to my neck, and he strokes lightly across my pale skin. I turn my head and flick my hair over my shoulder to give him better access, but he suddenly stops and moves closer to examine something.

"What are these scars?" He asks, rubbing his thumb lightly across the small indents on my neck.

"Ahh, leftovers from the hospital. That's where my central line was." I tell him.

He frowns and bends his head lower, and gently places a soft kiss on each of the scars in turn.

"I hate that you went through that." He says quietly as he raises his head back to look into my eyes.

"Not my happiest memory I shrug, but never mind, I'm still here."

I don't want to discuss this with him right now, I want to enjoy the last few hours we have together.

"So, Mr Styles," I say, placing my hands behind me on the bed and leaning back slightly. "Now that you've got me in to your bedroom, what are you going to do with me?" I tease him, biting my lower lip as I gaze up at him from under my eyelashes.

He stands back, tapping his finger against his chin as if he has to think about it, I feel my attempt to look alluring slip into a frown as I grow impatient. I try running the tip of my toe up and down the back of his calf, the corner of his mouth twitches upwards slightly, and he folds his arms, his muscles stretching the adorning ink.

I am not going to break first, I think to myself. I am NOT. I roll back my shoulders, my breasts arch towards him, and I lick my tongue slowly over my lips. His eyebrows raise in recognition at my move to increase the stakes, yet still, he doesn't move.

"OK... fine, well..." I glance over at the clock, the time screaming at me as it slips away all too quickly, our last day is disappearing much faster than I'd like.

With a huff, I stand up, pushing him back to give me some room in the same move.

"Well as you're done packing, I guess I'll go put the kettle on."

"OK, OK..." He laughs, reaching out for me.

"Too late. The moments gone, I'm over it." I reply and stride towards the door, head up high.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist, lifting my feet from the floor and making me squeal. My back hits the mattress, and all of him instantly covers me.

"You're over it?" He questions.

I nod defiantly, trying to deny the fire that is building inside me at his close proximity, denying the fact my back is arching into him, my breasts pressing in to his chest. He gathers up both my small hands in one of his and stretches my arms out, up above my head.

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