Chapter 51

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Two days later and thankfully my lungs are starting to improve, just as well as I really need to get back to work.

As good as my boss has been about me being ill, after taking two weeks off over New years and our little trip to Japan in December, I am starting to feel quite guilty. Not to mention that my bank balance has taken a severe hit lately and I need to try and replenish it a little before Harry's birthday in a couple of weeks if I want to get him a decent gift.

What on earth does one buy one's superstar boyfriend I wonder to myself idly.

He seemed to love the book I made him for Christmas, but that was a one-off thing. I better find some time to get shopping before he gets home I think to myself as I hastily try and comb the tangles out of my hair and get ready for work.

As I rush around the house desperately trying to find my car keys which I seem to have misplaced yet again, I hear my phone ringing from the depths of my handbag and struggle to retrieve it before it goes to voicemail. I don't even have the chance to check the caller ID before I connect the call.


"Hey, Princess."

The familiar voice emanating from the speaker makes my skin crawl, and I am tempted just to cancel the call straight away before he can say anymore. Still, just the sound of his voice immobilises me like it always has and I am barely able even to respond let alone move to hang up.

"Michael? How... how did you get this number?" I ask quietly.

"Awe come on Princess, don't be like that. Haven't you missed me?" He drawls down the phone, and I can tell already that he's either drunk or high from the slight slur in his words.

"You shouldn't have called me. I'm hanging up now." I say trying to muster as much courage as I can.

"That's fine. You do what you need to. I'll just place a call to my friend at The Sun instead..." He threatens

"What do you want, Michael?" I manage to force out from behind clenched teeth. I can feel the bile rising in the back of my throat.

"I just wanna talk to you, Princess. That bastard George keeps trying to get me to sign some stupid piece of paper saying I won't talk to anyone about our relationship any more. You put him up to that? Or was it your boy band boy toy?"

"Jeff." I correct him, more out of habit than anything else, it's not like I haven't called Jeff a few choice names myself since I met him."And not that its any of your business, but Harry and I broke up."

"Yeah, I saw those phoney photos in the paper. But I'm not buying it. If he had come to his senses and dumped you, then why would he this Jed bloke have left me a message just yesterday about signing the damn papers huh?"

Shit, he's got a point, stuttering I try and come up with an excuse quickly.

"How would I know, I told you, we broke up. Maybe JEFF just wants to ensure Harry's name doesn't end up in the papers connected to me again. Look, I have to go. I'm late for work."

I'll have to call the phone company and see if I can change my number again on my way as it is.

"You never were a very good liar, Princess. Where are you working now? Maybe I'll come and see you." He asks me in a too light, too chirpy voice as if we're friends or something.

"I don't think so. How did you get this number?" I ask again

"Come on, Princess, haven't you realised by now that if I want to find you, I will? No matter what fancy friends you make or how many VIP rooms you sit in..."

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