Chapter 71 - Day Three

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January 31st

Harry's perspective


It's payback time! I think to myself as I carefully slide my legs out from underneath the bedsheets, trying my hardest not to jostle the bed in any way and wake Katie.

Tip-toeing over to my MacBook, I turn the screen purposefully so that the light won't shine in her eyes and stifle a giggle in my throat, my cheeks stretching almost painfully from the broad smile on my face, as I search through iTunes for the track I want.

Ensuring the volume is switched as high as it'll go and that both the Bose speakers on the table are pointing at the bed, I quickly skip past the intro and hit the play button, singing along loudly as the crude lyrics fill the room.

I just had sex
And it felt so good (felt so good)
A woman let me put my penis inside her (her)
I just had sex (Hey!)
And I'll never go back (never go back)
To the not having sex
Ways of the past.

"Harry what the hell??" Katie's startled voice calls out from the bed, and she rolls over on to her back and pulls a pillow over her face to block out the fantastic talent of Lonely Island, and myself of course, from her newly awakened ears.

"Ooh no, you don't!" Quick as a flash, I jump on to the bed, straddling her and stealing the pillow before joining in with the verse at the top of my lungs and adding my own amazing dance moves

Have you ever had sex? I have, it felt great!
It felt so good when I did it with my penis (Pointing to my own crotch)

A girl let me do it (Point to Katie) It literally just happened

Having sex can make a nice man of the meanest.

Never guess where I just came from I had sex (Hip thrust)

If I had to describe the feeling, it was the best
When I had the sex, man, my penis felt great (Point to my own penis again)

And I called my parents right after I was done (Mime phone call)

Oh hey, I didn't see you there, guess what I just did?

Had sex, undressed saw her boobies and the rest! (Pull up Katie's top to expose her boobs)

But sure nice of her to let you do that thing
Nice of any girl ever! Now sing!

It's at this point that Katie's voice interrupts my routine, shouting out loudly over the volume of the music and completely throwing off my groove.

"Well, I dunno who you've been off having sex with first thing in the morning whilst I've been sleeping, but could you maybe go tell someone else about it please and leave me in peace!?" She shouts, frowning up at me, her dark hair splayed out in sharp contrast against the crisp white bedsheets.

I fain shock and offence, grabbing my chest with both hands, I let myself fall back across her legs until I am flat on my back. My feet beside her face

"I'm wounded that you would think so little of me!" I shout dramatically as she squirms beneath me, trying to get up to turn the music off.

Truth be told, we had sex last night before bed, so technically I guess she's right, we haven't 'just had sex'. As the next chorus starts, I change up the lyrics to fit our particular situation, finally earning an adorable giggle from my girl.

I-had-sex-last niiiggght
and my dreams came true!

"Where do you think you're going?" I ask her indignantly, cutting off my fantastic rendition to grab hold of one of her wrists and pull her against my chest as she tries to scramble off the bed.

"It's too early for this much noise Harry." She groans, burying her face against my bare chest, her soft breaths drifting past one of my many nipples and making me shiver.

"Excuse me? Aren't you the same woman who woke me up, hung-over? I might add, by blasting Disney music at me?" I tease her, placing a finger under her chin to raise her eyes to mine.

When I catch sight of the expression on her face, a loud barking laugh escapes me. She is staring up at me, unhappily from under her eyelashes. Her bottom lip stuck out in the most adorable pout I think I've ever seen.

"That was different." she whinges

"Let me guess? it was different cos it was you having fun at my expense and not the other way around?" I tease her

"Awww, OK. OK, I'm sorry baby," I coo insincerely in a childish voice, "Have I made you sad?"

Planting sloppy wet kisses on every inch of her skin that I can reach, I hold on to her waist just a little bit tighter as she squirms, ensuring she can't get away.

"HARRY!!!" She yells loudly in my ear just as the song finishes, so her voice reverberates around the large room, causing me to laugh harder.

"You're adorable when you're angry, have I told you that before?" I ask her, placing one last kiss on the tip of her button nose

"Hmph. Have you at least got me breakfast? Seeing as how you've woken me so early for NO reason at all?" She pouts

"Well, actually... No. But we could go out if you like, my treat?"

"Damn right it's your treat. You owe me Styles." She chastises me and jumps off the bed, heading to the bathroom.

"Given that you are clearly wasting away without food, I think we should shower together, to save time, ya know?" I say cheekily, springing to my feet and rushing up behind her before she can lock the door on me like last time.

"Why am I not convinced that what you have in mind is going to make this process any quicker at all?" She asks me sternly, trying desperately to keep a straight face though, the corners of her mouth are twitching as her smile tries to breakthrough

"Aww Baby... I just wanna be able to sing the words correctly! That's all! I just had seeexxx,"

I start to sing again as I chase my now screaming girlfriend into the bathroom and press my lips up against hers to silence her before we jump under the steaming hot shower and she lets me put my penis insiiidee herr.

I smile stupidly at the memory for a few moments before being snapped suddenly back to reality. The now-familiar beeps of the monitors surrounding Katie continue their mournful tune as my beautiful girl sleeps on, in the too-big bed, surrounded by medicines and wires.

"I miss you, baby, come back to me soon," I say quietly, placing a soft kiss on her temple.

I think for a moment that I see her eyes move, just a little flicker... But after staring at them intently for a few minutes, I resign myself to the fact that it must have been a trick of the light.

Grabbing my rather battered leather-bound notebook, I sit back in the armchair and try and resume the song I was working on before my daydream.

(A/N it occurs to me, rather belatedly, that not everyone may be as familiar with lonely island as I am 😳 So! I thought I'd attach the video of their song here in case anyone wants to check out the track)

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