Chapter 31

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"Rise and shine superstar!" I call loudly to Harry as I pull open the curtains in our suite and let the late morning Japanese sunshine flood the room.

"Urgh" Harry groans from the bed, I watch as he grabs the pillow next to him and places it firmly over his face in an attempt to block out the light.

"There are water and ibuprofen on the table next to you, and I ordered room Service which should arrive any minute," I say, trying to coax him into a better mood.

I am betting after last night he is not feeling too clever this morning and I figured I'd try and make things as easy on him as possible, but I'm not going to have him sleep the whole day away.

"You're an angel," he mumbles as he attempts to sit up and take the pills. "But please can you pull the curtains just a little? I can't... with the light," he gestures fitfully with his free hand at the sunshine.

"Is someone feeling a little sorry for himself this morning?"

"I'll be fine. I just need water. And food." I hop back on to the bed next to him and reach over to massage his temples.

"Poor baby," I tease him "NOW do you understand why I don't like to drink?"

"You were right; you always are." He smiles, pulling me into his lap and nuzzling his head in my freshly washed hair, just as someone knocks on the door and calls

"Room service."

"Can I get you to jot that down for me? I think it might come in handy to have in writing later." I say sarcastically as I get up to answer the door.

Harry finally follows me into the living area a few minutes later, and eyes the trays sat on the table.

"I thought you might need more than a banana this morning," I say as I lift the lids from the food, revealing a giant egg white omelette and salad for Harry.

"An angel. Honestly," he says as he sits and starts tucking into his food.

Later that evening we are slowly making out way back to the hotel after a long day of sightseeing in Tokyo. Thanks to the surgical masks that most of the population seem to sport here, we have managed to stay incognito and avoided any more embarrassing photo ops like last night.

Having taken Harry's advice, I have avoided the internet today and have not even seen any of the pictures that have no doubt been published. I'm not going to let one little mishap spoil our first vacation together, or my first time travelling outside of Europe.

Once Harry's hangover became bearable, we decided to go out and take in the sites. Japan is a beautiful country, and I am mesmerised by practically everything I see, its so different to home. Still, the smog that seems to hang over the city like a low lying cloud is starting to bother my lungs and my feet are getting sore, so it's definitely time to call it a night.

I also want to check on Mel, she opted out of our sightseeing trip, preferring to stay in the hotel and recover from her night's antics, but I am desperate to find out what happened with her and Ben, having not spoken to her all day.

"Do you mind if I pop in and see Mel for a bit when we get back?" I ask Harry.

"Of course not," He answers quickly "I wouldn't mind saying hello myself, I feel like I've barely seen her since you got here."

I wrinkle my nose, trying to decide how best to phrase my next sentence.

"Well, the thing is.. I kind of want to find out what went on with her and Ben last night..."

"Ah I see. Girl time?"

"She's less likely to give me the gory details with you standing right there." I agree.

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