Chapter 66 - Day one

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Day one
January 29th

Harry's perspective

I hate it when dudes try to chase me
But I love it when you try to save me
'Cause I'm just a lady
I love it when we play 1950
It's so cold that your stares 'bout to kill me
I'm surprised when you kiss me

So tell me why my gods look like you
And tell me why it's wrong

So I'll wait for you, I'll pray
I will keep on waiting for your love
For you, I'll wait
I will keep on waiting for ya.

Standing in my kitchen chopping vegetables for the pasta dish I've just promised to make Katie for dinner, I hum along to the track, bopping my head along to the melody of the mellow rock song that the guys over at my record label sent me earlier today, and I am surprised by how well it's written considering its a debut single.

I must remember to tweet about this when it's released, with its laid-back feel, heartfelt lyrics and subtle guitar riffs, I'm sure it'll get overlooked by a lot of the mainstream audience without a lot of promo, maybe my fans might get behind it a bit.

Throwing the last of the vegetables into the now steaming pot of sauce on the hob, I glance over at the clock, Katie should be arriving in about twenty minutes.

I've got time to quickly jump in the shower, good job too as I've just noticed a large splodge of ketchup in the centre of my T-shirt. I reach behind my neck and grab the collar with one hand, pulling it over my head and throwing it in the general direction of the laundry as I head upstairs to the master bath and turn the shower on full, brushing my teeth as I wait for the water to heat up.

I quickly check my appearance in the mirror and, as usual, I can't see whatever the hell it is that makes my fans follow me all over the world or a woman like Katie fall in love with me.

Steam fills the room around me as I open the large glass door and step under the jets of hot water, leaning my head back, I let it pound against my chest for a few moments and relish in the peace and quiet before reaching for the shower gel.

As much as I've enjoyed this bit of time off from being on the road and it's giving me the chance to recharge my batteries, not to mention spend time with Katie and catch up with family and friends, I'm starting to get that familiar itch to get back to work.

Rehearsals for the arena shows aren't due to start for another few weeks though. Maybe I'll see if Mitch and Adam fancy a day or two in the studio next week I muse as dry myself off with a large black towel.

Heading into my room, I pull on a pair of Adidas tracksuit bottoms and a clean white T-shirt. I've got a few lyrics jotted down in my notepad that I'd like to work on a bit and see if they can't be transformed into full songs, maybe for the next album that I know my fans have lovingly christened HS2 already.

Twenty minutes later, I pull the chicken from the oven and shred it into the sauce that's bubbling away nicely, then grab some fresh pasta from the fridge to boil in time for my girlfriend's arrival.

I don't know if I'll ever get used to calling her that, I can't understand how on earth I managed to convince someone as fantastic as Katie to give me the time of day in the first place, let alone come back after my colossal mistake with Sarah.

I feel my brow furrow at the reminder of that horrible evening and run my fingers through my wet hair nervously. I still need to have a proper chat with Jeff about all that shit before I can completely put it behind me, I can't risk him trying to interfere again when Katie's only just agreed to come back to me.

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