Chapter 41

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Three hours later and Lou has finally given me a reprieve whilst she's run down to the kitchen to fetch us something to eat. I am not allowed to leave this room until she feels her work is complete, so I am sitting waiting patiently for her to return, listening to my stomach rumble in hunger.

I feel kind of exhausted already and its only one o'clock. The guests aren't even due to start arriving till eight. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll even be awake to kiss Harry at midnight.

Who knew getting pampered could be so exhausting? Every inch of my skin has been exfoliated, buffed and oiled to within an inch of its life, not to mention the waxing... I don't know how I will ever be able to look Lou in the eye again after everything she has seen of me today.

Currently, I am sat on the balcony overlooking the Los Angeles skyline, waiting for the dye in my hair to be ready to be washed out. I was at least allowed to choose the colour. Much to Lou's disgust, I wouldn't even discuss the possibility of her turning me into a blonde, but I have allowed her to put in a few subtle light brown highlights.

Apparently, we still have haircutting to go before make-up and dressing, I wonder if I can manage to grab a quick nap whilst she cuts my hair I think to myself as the door opens, and Lou returns, I can hear Harry in the hallway behind her,

"Seriously Lou, are you going to keep her locked up in there all day?" He says in an exasperated voice.

"Yes. Seriously. Stop being such a brat Styles and go find something to occupy yourself with!" Lou replies.

"Remember, Katie, three knocks!!" Harry calls loudly as the door shuts in his face, hard as I try, I can't stop the grin that spreads over my face, my cheeks physically hurting from stretching so much to accommodate my wide smile.

"He really cares about you, you know, I can't remember the last time I saw him like this," Lou tells me as she hands me a plate of chicken salad which I take gratefully and start nibbling at before I even make it to the balcony table.

"I care about him too," I say between mouthfuls "Lou, can I ask you something?"

"Sure babe."

"How is he doing with, well with everything since the article came out?" I ask her quickly; the words are tumbling out of my mouth in a rush in my embarrassment.

I haven't managed to pluck up the courage to raise the subject with Harry since before our Christmas, and he hasn't said anything either, but I am not naïve enough to think that he has forgotten about it or that everything Is just fine.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Katie, it's been hard on him. Look, I like you, really I do, but you've got to understand, Harry is super private about his relationships. He doesn't like the press knowing any more than he allows them to know, so seeing that story about you and the photos all over the papers was tough for him to deal with." She stops eating and places her fork on the table.

Sitting back to look me directly in the eyes. "Harry called me, when he was at his mum's, and told me the truth behind the article, well some of it anyway. He said he couldn't betray you by telling me everything but that he needed someone to talk to about it all."

I nod my head at her, understanding.

"I'm glad he talked to you Lou, I don't want him bottling things up."

She smiles sweetly before continuing

"He's scared Katie, you've been through things that he hasn't dreamed of in his worst nightmares, and he doesn't know how to deal with it all. But he cares about you, a lot, so he wants to try and get past this. It might take him a little time to be over it all completely."

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