Chapter 55

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Katie's perspective

"Don't you think getting a whole new phone because you don't want your boyfriend calling you anymore is a little extreme?" Mel asks as I re-join her in the living room.

She insisted on staying home from college today to keep me company, and we've spent most of the morning curled up under a heap of fluffy blankets on the sofa watching movies and eating copious amounts of junk food. Which Mel assures me is the only way to deal with a break-up and having ever only gone through one before and that being under very different circumstances, I am happy to take her lead on this one.

Besides, it feels like we've barely had any time together lately, what with me being away and Mel spending so much times at Ben's, having a girly day with just the two of us has been really nice.

Our latest movie choice, the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast, was interrupted by a knock at the door just a few minutes ago when a rather unhappy looking delivery driver delivered my new phone.

I can't say that I blame him, it's been snowing heavily since sometime last night, and a fresh coat of sparkling white snow has settled on everything in sight, making our road look like some kind of corny Christmas card that I wouldn't want to be driving on for all the money in the world.

"Yeah, Mel, about that. There's something I need to tell you," I say, settling back down on the sofa and turning to face her, I pull my legs up under the blankets and take a deep breath

"Why do you look like you're about to break up with me next?" Mel asks in mock horror, pressing a hand to her heart "I didn't kiss another woman I swear!" She giggles.

"Har har very funny. Sorry, it's just, well before I saw the photos the other day and broke things off with Harry, I had a phone call. From Michael." I admit, Mel's carefree expression is quickly replaced by one of upset as her brows knit together and her lips pucker.

"What! Why didn't you tell me?" She complains placing a hand of my knee and squeezing it reassuringly

"You know you can talk to me about anything, I had hoped, that after everything with that stupid article, you might feel like you didn't need to keep things from me anymore." she adds softly

"I know, I do feel that way, I'm sorry. I just didn't know how to bring it up, and my mind was kind of all focused on Harry yesterday, well... that and being hungover." I tell her, shuddering at the thought of how awful a day it was.

Remembering how after I'd spoken to Harry and ordered my new phone, I'd spent the entire day laying in my bed, alternating between reading, staring aimlessly at the ceiling, and crying. I just couldn't have faced having another heavy conversation at all, but today, I can't keep this to myself any longer, and Mel deserves to know.

"Aww babe, I'm so sorry. It really has been a shit couple of days for you. So that's why you ordered the new phone? How did Michael even get your number?" She asks.

"I honestly don't know. He wouldn't tell me. I can't think that anyone I know would have given it to him. And it's not like that many people have it in the first place." I reply.

This is one of the many questions that I've been unable to get out of my head since he had called.

"But yes, that's why I ordered a new phone. I would have had to change the number regardless of Harry. But Mel, that's not what I wanted to tell you. Michael said something to me,"

I search her face for some kind of sign to tell me whether or not she wants to hear this, as we lock gazes I stare deep into her stormy blue eyes for a clue, but all that I can see there is concern for me, as always.

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