Chapter 59

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I wake up shaking, feeling beads of sweat dripping down my spine,

"I could make you."

Michaels voice echoes in my head and I suppress a massive shudder at the memory.

How is it that after all this time, just one run-in with him can leave me so terrified? I don't feel like I've slept for more than a couple of hours and the sun is still low in the sky outside my window, indicating that it's barely morning.

The mere idea of having to get out of bed and go to retrieve my car fills me with horror. What if I see him again? What if he finds me?

Louis! I had forgotten about the near-stranger who came to my rescue last night and is now sleeping on my sofa. At least I don't have to venture out alone.

Slowly I force myself out of bed and throw on my dressing gown before heading out of my room to go and check on my guest. As I open the door, I can hear a low, muffled voice emitting from somewhere down the hall. It sounds like he's on the phone.

I shouldn't be listening, I scold myself and turn to head back in my room until he speaks an all too familiar name which catches my attention, unable to stop myself, I pause in the doorway, listening intently.

"Harry, you have to calm down mate. She's OK, honestly. Sure she's shaken up, but she's alright."

Silence, I assume Louis is listening to his reply.

He's talking to Harry? About me? I guess that makes sense, it's not like I could ask him to hide something like this from one of his best friends, he's done more than enough for me already.

"Mate seriously, chill out. Aren't you flying back tomorrow anyway? Look, I'll take her to get her car today, make sure she gets back home alright, its probably just the battery or something." Louis disembodied voice floats down the hall

"Yeah yeah, I'll call you later and let you know how she is OK? Alright mate. Take it easy."

I may only have heard a small portion of one side of their conversation. Still, even I can work out that clearly, Louis has explained last nights events and that Harry is now worried about me.

What did he mean by 'aren't you flying back tomorrow anyway? ' was Harry suggesting he comes home early? My heart leaps at the thought of him flying back and appearing on my doorstep, just like he did after Italy, the first time I tried to run away from him.

I have to stop and take a moment to remind myself that Harry and I aren't together anymore. I can't expect him to run over every time I have a problem; I made that choice, for good reasons.

I make my way down the hallway sheepishly, unsure whether or not to admit to Louis what I've just heard. Entering the kitchen, I see him leaning against the counter in the same clothes he was wearing when I left him last night, a fresh wave of guilt hits me as I realise how much trouble he's had to go through over the previous twelve hours when he barely knows me.

"Morning love," He says as I enter the room "Tea?"

"Morning, yes, please. Did you erm, sleep, OK?" I ask tentatively, god this is awkward, I am not used to having male visitors, especially not first thing in the morning, the only man I've ever bought here is Harry.

"Coming up. Not going to lie I've slept on more comfortable sofas." He cheekily replies and gets to work, pouring me a cup.

We quickly discuss whereabouts I abandoned my car last night and make a plan to go and try and pick it up once we've both had a shower and woken up a little. I'm finally starting to feel a bit more comfortable when Louis' face suddenly creases into a tight frown as he sits opposite me sipping his tea.

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