Chapter 19

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Harry holds the door open for me as we enter my flat, I realise it's the first time he's been here, and I am suddenly very self-conscious about our tiny, run down-home.

I lead him into the kitchen and offer to make him a coffee. As I pop the kettle on its stand and flick down the button, I suddenly see out of the corner of my eye, an overloaded clothes horse in the corner of the room and bolt towards it.

Hastily I grab a pair of my knickers and a bra that are on full view and hide them under a towel. Mortified, I turn back to him and see the ghost of a smirk crossing his lips.

"Something I shouldn't see?" He teases me, craning his neck to try and see behind my back.

"I don't think I want the first time you see my underwear to be on a clothes rack," I reply without thinking.

I clap my hand over my mouth when I realise the words I've let escape it — smooth Katie, really smooth. I can feel the heat rising into my cheeks and struggle to find something, anything to say to him to hide my embarrassment.

Thankfully at that moment the kettle clicks, signalling it has finished boiling, so I can busy myself making his coffee.


"Black is good thanks. Matches the underwear..." he winks.

Shit!! so much for managing to hide it from him.

I hand him his coffee and take a seat at the old, scratched wooden kitchen table for two that is all Mel, and I can fit into our tiny kitchen. He must decide to take pity on me as he changes the subject.

"No, Mel? " He asks, glancing over his shoulder into the deserted hallway

"No, she's got some college thing today. She'll stumble back in in the early hours of the morning at a guess."

"I've got you all to myself?" He smirks at me again, and I feel his leg brush up against mine under the table.

I suppress a shudder of delight at his touch, but I'm sure he can tell the effect he is having on me.

"It seems so. You flew all this way to see me... Did you have any thoughts on what you might like to do once you got here?" I try and keep my voice even as I respond, not wanting to put my big feet in my mouth again, I choose my words carefully.

"I had a lot of thoughts, all I've thought about for the last week is all the things I'd love to do to you." He replies in a deep, husky voice.

He reaches over and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, running the back of his hand down my jaw deliciously slowly as he does so, his cool rings making my skin tingle.

I swallow heavily, trying to gulp down the desire that's building inside of me. I can feel my body arching towards him as we sit at right angles from one and other in the confined space. He closes the small gap between us and kisses me tenderly on the lips.

"How about we start with a tour? I showed you my home, time to return to favour." He stands up from the table and stretches his hand out towards me.

It doesn't take me long to show Harry around the flat. Kitchen, living room, master bath. Mel's bedroom door is closed and respecting her privacy, I don't take him in there, but lead him down the hall to mine instead, pausing at the open door and sending up a silent thank you to whatever deity reminded me to make my bed this morning.

"And this is my room," I say as I walk through the door. I gesture around me, pointing out the various, and rather obvious, features.

"Wardrobe, Bed, en suite is through there. It's not as glamorous as your house. I'm afraid, but it's home."

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