Chapter 42

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It took me a little while to manage to compose myself, and even longer for Harry to convince me that we needed to rejoin the party, despite the fact that everyone who saw us disappear upstairs will have guessed precisely what we've been doing.

Thankfully no one has mentioned it since we came back down an hour or so ago.

In that time, Harry has introduced me to person after person, I've already forgotten most of their names, but everyone has been gracious and kind to me.

With Harry's hand firmly grasping mine I have managed to keep my self together and respond politely to everyone we have spoken to, I think I may even be starting to enjoy myself.

As a waiter walks by with a tray of champagne Harry reaches out and grabs us both a glass its the first time he's let go of my hand all night, and the cold air against my bare skin feels foreign to me.

I'm grateful when, after passing me my glass, Harry slips his fingers back around mine and gives me a reassuring squeeze, especially as that it the moment that Jeff chooses to approach us.

I knew we wouldn't be able to avoid him all night, but I must admit I had been doing my best to stay as far away from him as possible up until now.

"H!" Jeff slurs, reaching out and throwing an arm around Harry's broad shoulder, he's clearly a bit unsteady on his feet as he leans into Harry for support "Someone you've got to meet!"

Great, he's drunk, I have enough trouble tolerating sober Jeff, I think to myself as he steers Harry towards a tall blonde with her back to us, me tottering along behind them in my high heels, my hand still firmly clasped in Harry's.

Jeff taps the woman on the shoulder, harder than I would think is necessary to get her attention, and she turns looking annoyed, but as soon as she catches sight of Harry her expression changes and she smiles coquettishly at him and bats her eyelashes.

"Harry! So nice to meet you!" She says in a high pitched American accent "I hope you don't mind me crashing your party. When Jeff here told me where he was going tonight, I simply begged him to bring me along." I am astounded when she leans forward and kisses Harry's cheek, missing his mouth by mere millimetres.

For Christ's sake, she's brazen. I'm stood right here!

"Erm hi... err, " Harry begins, stumbling when he realises he doesn't know the girl's name

"Sarah!" she chimes in "Sarah Jordan. You probably recognise me from the latest Yves St Laurent campaign? I'm the face of their winter collection."

Great, she's a model. No wonder she looks like she hasn't had a decent meal in weeks I think, then quickly admonish myself for being unfairly cruel. She's probably a perfectly nice person, even if she is friends with Jeff. After all, he's Harry's friend too. He must have some redeeming qualities, whether he chooses to show them to me or not.

"Right, Sarah, nice to meet you. This is my girl..." Harry starts but again she cuts him off, speaking loudly over his attempt to introduce me and linking her arm through his spare one.

"Your house is gorge! Wanna give me a tour?"

Before either of us can do anything to stop her, she tugs at Harry's arm and pulls him with her towards the balcony doors. I guess she wants the outside tour. Harry flashes me an apologetic glance as our hands are torn apart, and the connection between us broken.

I try and smile back at him, but then I remember who I've been left with and a chill goes down my spine.

"Still here then?" Jeff asks, just like he did when he caught me in Harry's bedroom before he headed off to China.

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