Chapter 65

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"Told you'd I'd get here on time! See ten minutes to spare." Harry says proudly, gesturing to the clock on the dashboard of my car.

Which he insisted on driving this morning when we realised we were running late, as he straightens the wheel and kills the ignition as we arrive in the parking lot of the pub.

"I don't think you get to look so proud when you had to break practically every speed limit in the land to manage it." I tease him, pulling down the sun visor and quickly focusing on the small mirror as I swipe a thin strip of lip gloss across my lips before smacking them together.

"Not every speed limit!" Harry grumbles as I grab my handbag from the foot-well and sling it over my shoulder.

"I'm going to miss you today, can't I hang around? I won't get in your way honest."

"Hah! Yes, you will, Harry, you are not capable of not distracting me." I laugh at him as I place my hand on the door handle.

"Can I help it if you are easily distracted?" He retorts, placing a hand on my knee, stopping me from exiting the car.

"Hmm, maybe if you worked on not looking quite so delicious twenty-four-seven, I wouldn't find you so irresistible." I tease him, and he puffs his chest out like a peacock with pride.

"Irresistible, huh?" He says raising his eyebrows

"Oh as if you don't know that already. You're irresistible to half the women on the planet! I swear I could walk into the pub right now and find at least two or three women who'd give their right arms for a night with you, probably a couple of men too! And it's not even open yet!"

"Well, they'd be disappointed. The only person I'm interested in spending my nights with, male or female, is sitting next to me, but then, she's sending me away... so maybe I should come in and introduce myself to these willing suitors." He pouts, causing me to giggle again

"Pouting now eh? Mature." I tease "Ahh there's your ride," I say as I notice Toby pull into the parking lot in Harry's oversized black Range Rover.

He parks a few spaces away, trying to give us some privacy to say goodbye I assume.

I lean towards Harry to give him a quick kiss goodbye, but he grabs my face with both of his strong hands, pressing my lips firmly against his and running his tongue over the opening, begging for entry. Unable to resist, I part my lips slightly and taste the minty freshness of his tongue as it dances with my own.

When our kiss finally breaks apart, we are both panting with desire again, Harry's eyes are dark as he rests his forehead against mine.

"Stay with me again tonight?" He breathes softly, the warm air brushing past my nose.

I don't even try and argue with him. I plan to spend every minute I can with him until he goes back on tour again, I shake my head slightly in an attempt to clear the dark thoughts, breaking our connection, not wanting to think about how long he is going to be away for.

"OK. I'll be back probably around seven-thirty? I'll have to stop off at home and grab some clothes first thought." I tell him.

The five minutes he gave me to run in and get my uniform this morning weren't long enough for me to do anything but scribble a quick note for Mel telling her where I was and grab my phone charger.

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