Chapter 67 - Day one

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Day one
January 29th

Mrs Bertram's perspective

As the paramedic's race through my still wide open front door in their forest green uniforms, I feel a chill rush past me from the January wind.

Hurriedly I shoo the children up the stairs and away from the scene in my living room that I can barely comprehend myself, let alone want them to witness.

My husband of ten years is crouched on the floor pressing his mouth over that of a small brunette, who I estimate to be in her early twenties, his hands press down on her chest forcefully every few breaths.

When he opened the door after hearing a thud against it as I was trying to help the children with their homework after dinner this evening, I never in a million years thought this would be the result.

I assumed one of the neighbour kids had thrown something at it as usual. But this I could never have imagined.

The poor girl hasn't taken a single breath independently in the last few minutes, despite James frantically performing CPR as the dispatcher on the phone gives him instructions. I risk a glance back down at the lifeless body sprawled on the rug on my living room floor.

She doesn't look real.

"She's still not breathing. Adrenaline." I hear the older of the two paramedics shout to his partner, who places a needle in his hand with lightning speed.

I can't help but turn my head as he raises it high above her chest, not needing to see anymore.

"Still, no pulse. Attaching defibrillator. Clear." Says the younger of the two as he attaches sticky pads to her now exposed chest whilst I stand inert in the doorway clinging on to my husband.

The girl's body jerks horridly. This can't be happening...

"I've got a pulse. It's weak, but it's there. Let's get her in the van." the older man says, bending to pick up the girl's backpack and machine from the floor, tossing it on to the trolley they have lifted her on to.

Thank god. A sigh of relief shoots through me at the sound of his words. She's alive.

Harry's perspective.

Left, right, left. Harder, faster, stronger.

I am focusing so intently on the movement of my fists as they connect to the swinging bag that it takes a moment to register that a low repetitive ringing which has now replaced the beat of the dance track that was blasting from the speakers and filling my ears just a moment ago.

Katie! Struggling to pull my boxing gloves off, I nearly bite off the end of the Velcro securing them to my wrists in an attempt to free my hands quickly so that I can answer the call before my answerphone kicks in.

Walking on unsteady feet towards my phone I finally manage to free my left hand and make short work of the right, tossing the gloves aside and reaching forward, snatching the iPhone from the dock, I press the accept call button without even glancing at the name on my screen.

"Hello." I pant, out of breath from my workout and the exertion of trying to remove the damn gloves.

"H? Harry? it's Ben mate, hold on for Mel OK?"

Ben's voice shouts down the phone, he sounds a million miles away, and I can hear the low rumble of an engine in the background, he must be driving and have me on speaker.

I can hear another voice with him, talking at top speed, too quickly for me to make out her words, Mel, I assume, but she sounds different.

"Ben? What's going on? Is Katie with you?" I ask him quickly as my heart drops into my stomach

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