Chapter 6

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Dammit, why am I so nervous?

It's 1:45 pm on Friday the third of November and my day started simply enough, got up, showered, had breakfast, got dressed, and then Mel and I headed to Camden.

We got Mel's sisters birthday present easily enough and spent the remainder of the morning wandering around the markets.

Somehow Mel convinced me to buy two dresses, neither of which do I think I have any need for, it didn't take much convincing though. Shopping is a good distraction from nerves I find and to be honest, I was too busy worrying about my upcoming date with Harry to argue with her.

Date? Is it a date? I ask myself for the tenth time since I woke up this morning. Neither of us have referred to it as one since it was arranged... but somehow my anxiety is just as heightened as if we had.

Mel and I arrived at the Worlds end pub an hour or so ago and grabbed a quick bite to eat, then Mel went to meet some friends.

Since then, I've been sat, not so patiently, waiting for Toby to arrive. Getting more and more nervous by the minute and systematically shredding the beer mats on the table into teeny tiny pieces.

Logically, I know there's no reason to be nervous, I've spent most of the last forty-right hours chatting to Harry, laughing and joking, getting to know the man behind the headlines. But the idea of being back in his presence is terrifying.

Especially when I have no idea what on earth he has planned for us. At 2:01 pm, my phone rings.

"Miss Francis? Toby here, I am just pulling up outside."

I jump up so fast that I manage to knock over my - thankfully empty - glass, which crashes to the wooden table with a loud thud.

Hastily I grab it and stand it back up and grab my bag as the barman shoots me a dirty look as he catches sight of the beer mat graveyard scattered over his table. Whoops. It's now, or never I tell myself and head outside.

Toby is stood by the back passenger door to the shiny black Merc, and he holds it open wide for me as I approach.

"Miss Francis." He says with a polite nod.

I climb into the back of the car, thankful that this time I am in jeans. And try and make myself comfortable.

"Am I allowed to ask where we're headed?" I ask Toby, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Mr Styles has asked that I take you to his house. It's only a couple of miles, we'll be there in ten minutes."

Exactly eight minutes later we pull up outside a large jet black gate surrounded by red brick. Toby presses a button on a remote, and the gates start to swing open, emitting a high pitched creaking noise as they do.

I glance around expecting to see Harry waiting for us, but he's nowhere to be seen. All I can see is a tall white building. It's not like any house I've ever seen, and it looks as though several large squares have been placed haphazardly on top of one another, overhanging and sticking out at strange angles.

Toby parks the car, switches off the engine and comes to open my door. As I step out, I can see the large black gates swinging shut behind us. As they click closed, I see Harry appear out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey," I mumble, automatically looking at my feet out of shyness, unsure how I am meant to great him.

"Hey yourself." He says easily and pulls me into a light hug. "Wanna come inside? It's freezing." He asks

At my nod, he takes my hand and leads me up to the front door. The house is decorated beautifully, a mixture of modern and classical features, several paintings and sculptures are scattered artfully around the long, wide hallway.

Harry leads me into his living room where a large L shaped black leather sofa dominates most of the space.

"Drink?" He asks me. Before I've had chance to answer, he hands me a cold can of coke and a glass.

"Thank you," I whisper.

God, why am I so shy around him? He's just a person.

"How was your flight?" I query, knowing he only arrived back from Scotland this morning.

"Fine thanks, nice and quick. How was your shopping trip? I see you bought something.." He gestures towards the bags in my hand.

"Fine thanks." I echo, mimicking him with a grin. "Yeah, Mel convinced me to buy a couple of dresses that I'll probably never wear." I laugh nervously

"You going to model them for me?" He asks, with a slight laugh in his voice, he knows the effect he's having on me. Shit.

"Hmm let's see, you've had some of the worlds prettiest model's in your life, probably wandering around this very house.. so I think that would be a resounding no!"

"Been doing some research on me, eh?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Beauty doesn't matter if its only skin deep." He states matter of factly.

"So! What are you going to do with me now that you have me here?"

Did I really just say that? I was trying to change the subject OFF of his sexual conquests.. not offer to be one!

He laughs loudly, sensing my embarrassment at what I've just said.

"Erm. I thought maybe we could go for a walk around the heath," he says, gesturing behind him, I assume that means there is a park nearby."It's meant to rain!" He says excitedly.

"And that's what's tempting you to want to go for a walk in November? Rain?"

Nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain.

He sings softly to himself. Apt.

"You'll see why." He shrugs. He looks me up and down, making me even more self-conscious than usual. "You won't be warm enough in that." glancing at my thin, low cut jumper, I feel the heat rising in my cheeks."Let me get you something."

And he wanders out of the room. I take the opportunity to have a look around without him catching me gawking.

I've never been in a house like this, and it's immaculate, everything is spotless and looks brand new. I wonder how much time he actually spends here, as he strolls back into the room carrying a grey Kendrick Lemar hoody.

"Here," he says, passing it to me. "Can't have you getting sick now can we?"

I pull the jumper over my head then replace my coat as Harry pulls on a beanie hat and large waterproof jacket. He grabs an umbrella.


"Yes," I answer him. Unsure if I really am.

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